The Anticlimax

Aug 07, 2011 18:34

Title: The Anticlimax
Author: CollywobbleKiwi
Rating: pg-15?
Word count: 384
Characters: D and Leon
Warnings: ANGST. ANGST ANGST ANGST ANGST! Downer drabble. Kick the puppy drabble. You have been warned.

“Good morning Doctor…”

“Good morning Leon”

Only this is not his doctor but D has given up correcting Leon now and instead reaches out, takes one frail papery hand and traces with a long nail the raised veins, skin cringing in horror as he looks at the splattering of liver spots.

“How is your wife Doctor?”

“She is fine Leon…”

Diverging from this routine had reduced Leon to a screaming confused wreck, a wailing child in an old man’s body.

“I had a dream again Doctor…”

“Did you Leon?”

His hair totally surpassed turning grey and went from solid gold to pure white, and is thick and shaggy, down around his elbows when some kind nurse has not gently brushed it back into a pony tail. When that happens it gives Leon a dignified look at odds with how undignified his situation is. The nurses tried to cut it once and the resulting screaming made several other residents of the hospice join in.

“There was a boat Doctor…”


“It was beautiful…. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen Doctor…”

A hint of a smile on lips that have remained flat but D doesn’t hold onto any hope that Leon is remembering anything. This person before him, the bone structure is the same, the aging is how he imagined Leon might age, a half a century ago when Leon’s shoulders were broad and straight, not slumped beneath a blue dressing gown. But the person is not Leon, it is mockery of the man that infuriated D beyond measure and provided him with friendship like the other had never experienced before.

“The captain was odd though Doctor, he looked a lot like you…and there were animals everywhere… and the cabin looked like a Chinese new year float…”

A shambling ghoul wearing a beloved face, mocking him. Still, D wants to weep in relief that Leon does not remember what happened after the boat, even as the shrunk figure on the bed taunts him, a better reminder then anything his grandfather said that he is not a human, that he should not get involved.

D withdraws a syringe from his graceful sleeve and finds the spot in the IV where he can inject the contents.

“That sounds like a beautiful dream Leon.”
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