Title: A steward’s torment
Rating: PG
Characters: Killick, Stephen
Word count: 103
Author’s Notes: This drabble was for the last challenge, but I was not satisfied with it, and did not post it. I still am not quite pleased, but I am unable to do better. So better late than never, I present you this:
x-posted to
Killick was utterly panicked: one silver spoon was missing. It was like when the Captain’s chelengk had been nearly stolen, only this time he could not vent his anger on the thieves and beat the bloody buggers senseless. Because now he had no culprit. For days he searched for the precious spoon, growing more peevish and impossible by the hour, pinching and hitting his unfortunate mates. So much so than Stephen, who has had the said spoon, coated in strawberry jam, in his pocket for three days now, had not dared yet to return it to the irate steward, and end his torment.