I don't know who decided that there should be a social system for love, but they need to be shot. I know fatter guys, and uglier guys, and smarter guys, and dumber guys, and weaker guys and stronger guys, short, tall, crippled, multi-racial, ethnic, et cetera, that are happy in their lives because they have someone that they love to share their
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I actually hated that puppy quote for the longest time, she always had the most hurtful things to say... because she didn't mean them to be, but they were so close to the truth and NOT what I wanted to hear. ... Especially from What's the reason?
I actually hated that puppy quote for the longest time, she always had the most hurtful things to say... because she didn't mean them to be, but they were so close to the truth and NOT what I wanted to hear. ... Especially from someone who I felt intellectually under-developed compared to me. She's also the one who said "I don't know if I could ever get married to you 'cause I don't want to have the 'Who gets to where the dress?' argument with you." And also "You're like Peter Pan, you want to be 12 forever and only hang out with children." which is a complete lie, even Peter Pan grew up. I'm growing up too... I just don't portray it outwardly as much as I should. How am I the one who doesn't want to grow up? How is clubbing a "Mature" thing to do? So? I'd rather play D&D and drink at someones house than go to Sugar Daddys, or The Door or what ever, or what ever other club or drinking place they want to go... And it has nothing to do with me being anti-social or hating people, it's just... not where I belong. I don't know where I'm supposed to go to meet people like me, but it's definatly not at a bar or club. I remember going to play Magic The Gathering and there being people older than me by at least a decade, I remember a lot of things where there were no age requirements. Fucking shit, people call me an old soul. I listen to music that people younger than me by 5 years or so say that their parents listen to, and I rarely have a conversation where I don't go over someones head. Maybe that's not a great thing.
I'm NOT fun to talk to because of shit JUST like this. I'm a downer ma'an. 'cause I have to have everything explained to me, and I have too many questions. And I can rarely accept ONE answer.
roflolimh, I haven't been replying to your e-mails 'cause I've been in a Lab intensive class. =o) Next class is mostly Lecture, so that should change.
=o/ I've tried meditation. I even have a Meditation for dummies book that I've tried, but... my mind can't shut off long enough for me to realise that I'm not wasting time.
love == death;
while(state.love == TRUE)
++ Means plus one, while mean it will loop until what's in the ()'s isn't true.
I don't understand why you're so bitter about love.someone who I felt intellectually under-developed compared to me.
In responce to: "I can't do anything for Tiffany, she's too much like me. Yes, I know there's no real reason to be with her... but that's how I know I love her... I guess."
-She isnt like you. you just are trying to pull at straws to justify your reasoning behind liking her. You are an intellectual wise soul. You have a since of humor that is based on observations and quick wit. On the other hand Tiffany is not an intellectual, she is of moderate intellect. Her hummor is not on a higher level she just degrades people. She is a very negative person (and if i am saying she is negative you KNOW she is negative) she brings everyone around her down with her. You are, as you put it, a realist. Which to me means that whomever you are around you tend to take on their traits. If you were to be with Tiffany you would be a horrible negative person that no one, not even your friends, would want to be around.
- You dont love her. Nice try. As i recall you are still bitter over a failed relationship with a person you claim you... im not doing to say it to spare embarrassment... but you know what i am saying. Anyway you are still bitter! and you are a lier! way to go Lynnzie! you know that isnt the reason for not returning the emails. TO MY POINT - i am a firm believer in the good ol though that you cannon love 2 at once. you fall "in love" and "out of love" way to easily. all the person has to do is glance at you the wrong way you fall in love! pffft. thats not love thats like... or obsession... or lust. not love.
I have to go to work i will continue there.
I told you my bitterness is with everyone's obsession with love, including you. And are you calling me intellectually under-developed? What kind of bullshit is that??
Whatever, I'm done with this. Email me, or don't. I'll see you tomorrow.
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