Dec 19, 2005 13:15
Okay, so today I decided that I would put something here. I'm really shy when it comes to the stuff I write, because the last thing I want to do is have people think that I'm wussy, or stupid. But ya'know what, I don't care. I still won't post everything 'cause some stuff is still a little private and or scary. If you don't like it whatever, I'm not a paid freakin' poet or writer. I'm bad at spelling and grammar and do it 'cause I like to write and type. Hopefully after New Years I'll have tons of stuff to actually put in here, until then, here's some Haikus and some Limericks. =o)
Okay, well now I also have to write about how much I hate Macs! Freakin' Todd from across the street who knows jack and shit about computers says that our building's set up backwards. F*** YOU TODD!!! Apple F***ing Jedi son of a B****!!! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT F***ING DHCP IS!!! No talent f***ing a$$ clown! Come over hear start complaining about how we have everything set up and then run across the street and tell people we don't know what we're doing over here! WHO COULDN'T TRACK DOWN A VIRUS THAT WAS SPREAKING THROUGH THEIR BUILDING?!?!? It sure as hell wasn't ANYONE IN THIS BUILDING!!! How can you not track down a virus if you know it's there?!? HUH?! Always talking crap Todd! Now people are starting to believe you. People know where to come for help with REAL computer issues, NOT TO TODD!!! Lousy son of a F***ing B****. GHAH!!! Retaliation? Maybe... sounds like a plan. He's completely clueless, no wonder they think their freakin' network is secure and don't know that everytime anyone logs into the freakin' Echange server their passwords go over the wire CLEARTEXT!!! Exchange security is NOT that complicated, YOU CAN HAVE SECURE PASSWORDS AT THE CLICK OF A FREAKIN' BUTTON!!! You should NOT be the head of ANYTHING computer related if YOU CAN'T RUN A PROPER SERVER!!! And okay, thinking you're a Jedi, I'm fine with that 'cause it can be amusing sometimes. ACTUALLY THINKING YOU ARE!!! That's different and WTF is up with the F***ING Padawan braid?! You're THAT much of a loser that you can't even pretend to be a REAL Jedi?!? You're just a fucking student who looks like Rick F***ING Moranis! I'M ABOUT TO ZULE YOUR ASS GATEKEEPER!!! I'M GONNA GO OVER THERE AND STICK MY FOOT IN YOUR A$$!!! Can't get a DHCP address without an IP, F***TARD!!! and a MAC address is a hard-coded NIC identifier, it can be spoofed but not changed... IT'S NOT THE F***ING SUBNET OF A F***ING ALL MACINTOSH NETWORK!!! Bah, no more writing.
*This message cut short thanks to Todd, who can bite me.