Speaking as a guy who has a shaved head, and has been in a few fights, and has bounced off the curb a few times -- I can honestly say that's the cleanest head I've ever seen after it supposedly was bashed on the curb a few times: "George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance -- Tapes show neighborhood watchman on night of Trayvon Martin killing"
How would a loving religion help protect family values? Well… according to NOM's memos, by hyping fears and driving racial wedges between gays, blacks, and hyspanics. Sounds bad? Well keep reading - NOM was FULL of "great" ideas that day: "A series of four internal NOM memos, outed as part of an investigation in Maine, talks of such goals as "Sideswiping Obama". The memos reveal a manipulative, brazenly cynical strategy for winning America's cultural wars by diving Americans."
You'd think Afghanistan would be the best place for homosexuals to claim as a homeland -- since women seem unwelcome in every sense. But no, this is just basic stupidity: "For economic and social reasons, many Afghan parents want to have a son. This preference has led to some of them practising the long-standing tradition of Bacha Posh - disguising girls as boys."
You know the cost of living in your city has kinda over-inflated beyond ridiculous when SubWay can't afford to give you a $5-foot long. I mean, shit food like that at $5 probably has a 450% profit margin in Ohio: "The catchy Subway sandwich shop jingle involving a variety of foot-long sandwiches available for $5 doesn't apply in San Francisco"
You can play this game if you want, but you should realize that the jackpot reached $500-million because NO ONE IS WINNING: "Mega Millions jackpot at $500 million and counting"
Capital One scores in the negative again by denying atheism symbolism on the basis of blocking religious content -- but scoring Jesus and everything Catholic/Christian related under "spiritual". Or maybe, Capital One is afraid of dealing with any typically non-gullible customers: "Atheist Symbol Rejected By Capital One, But Jesus Is Preapproved"
What better way to secure the government of your nation from rebels than overthrowing your government? Wait, what? Dammit, Africa -- when will you start making sense?: "A delegation of West African leaders has abandoned its trip to Mali to negotiate with the leaders of last week's coup owing to security fears after a protest by junta supporters."
No link -- just comment: If the Supreme Court finds the Healthcare Reform Laws unconstitutional, it will be a huge blow… to the GOP owned Heritage Foundation (they cooked up the original plan in response to Bill Clinton's attempt to reform healthcare in the 90's, not that the GOP ever mentioned that).
But it will also turn this election upside-down, giving the GOP something to run on after all their other issues have failed: economy is looking up; hard to believe Satan is destroying America personally; crushing women's rights to dust on the grounds of religious freedom just alienates 51% of the voters (who knew?); the gay agenda hasn't brought down the US army like they said it would; Obama's birth certificate… gods, that was just stupid; we're drilling more oil, but exporting it and shutting down refineries, so that drill-baby-drill chant was a dud; American Muslims are not only not scary, TLC has proved they are boring; etc, etc, etc…
So, yeah, another campaign based on healthcare reform destroying seems like a winning issue? Unless Romney is the candidate... hell, I don't even know what the GOP is thinking anymore...
The right-leaning justices haven't really shown how we're NOT already paying for everyone's healthcare, only shifting and bending through some VERY strained logic loopholes -- honestly, I figured they'd just start claiming forcing hospitals to treat the sick and injured who can't pay is unconstitutional. So what are we left with?
We're left with the only constitutional option, which Obama didn't even consider the first time around: SINGLE PAYER HEALTHCARE OPTION -- a government version of healthcare insurance to compete and bring down the unjustifiable costs of health insurance overhead costs. HOWEVER, this is not a miracle cure -- lobbies have corrupted a lot of government institutions, who is to say the insurance industries can't corrupt government healthcare?
Again, as always, it seems the one true issue we should all be voting on -- the one that keeps slipping by -- is CORRUPTION of the US government, and how to stop it.
Alright -- after all that horribleness, you need an online game with cats: "Time 4 More Cats"