(no subject)

Mar 28, 2012 15:44

Okay… wow… One person is chalking this up to "confusion" and believes more training is needed. Either way… ladies -- time for you to all become pharmacists and just replace the old guys as quickly as you can: 1 in 5 Pharmacies Hinders Teens' Access to 'Morning-After' Pill: Study



Apparently, racial slurs are no longer racist if someone somewhere believes other people use it as a term of affection. I suppose people shoot each other in the chest too as an additional gesture of affection: Zimmerman Friend Defends Racial Slur: ‘Coon Asses’ Used Proudly In Parts Of This Country



Maybe the chemicals those fracking/mining companies gave you cancer. But if you live in Pennsylvania, you'll never know, because those chemicals are corporate trade-secrets, and the new law in Pennsylvania says your doctor has to remain silent about such trade secrets. Enjoy your cheap energy, government corruption, mysterious cancer, and extremely frustrated doctors who apparently have no freedom of speech: "For Pennsylvania's Doctors, a Gag Order on Fracking Chemicals"



No terrorist will ever get a bomb or weapon on a plane ever again -- assuming that bomb or weapon has some pawn value: "Think twice before you check your luggage at John F. Kennedy International Airport. // There are now more than 200 (thefts) a day - and that’s every day. Baggage handlers, jetway workers and even security people are all in on the ongoing scam to steal you blind."



Obviously, hoodies are not what makes a person feel threatened. I own eight of them and wear them to work, and while at work, on most cold days (in MN, that means 60% of the year) -- and I haven't been shot yet. The fact is, an armed racist will find anything threatening on a black teenager so long as it's on a black teenager. But Geraldo Rivera is a thoughtless dumbass, and FOX News is incapable of admitting to any mistake, so let the rhetoric lay waste to all senses of sensibility: "Did A Hooded Sweatshirt Mysteriously Vanish From Fox News’ Online Store?"



I'm getting really sick of the federal government telling the public we cannot seek damages from the federal government whenever the federal government fucks up royal: "Supreme Court Rejects Damage Claim in HIV Privacy Case"

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