Fatal Obsession Part 2

May 25, 2012 23:11

The next morning, Stacy woke up to being lightly shaken by someone.
“Stacy !....Stacy wake up please….Stacy?”
She could hear a worried voice from above her. She tried opening her eyes but they felt so heavy.
“Stace…” She heard again.
It was Clinton on the verge of tears.
She finally opened her eyes her vision was a blur. She looked up at a worried Clinton and could barely process what was going on.
“Stacy? Oh thank god…what happened love…you’re bleeding”
“Clinton…I’m so…sleepy” She whispered and started to doze off again.
“Stacy, no! You can’t fall asleep…Stacy please stay with me.”
He started tearing up again when she wouldn’t respond. He gently picked her up off the floor and rushed her to the hospital.

It was 4 hours later and Stacy still hadn’t woken up. Clinton as well as her mom and dad were there by her side with worried looks upon their faces as they watched her sleep. She had tubes up her nose, wires strapped everywhere, a bandage on her head, and an IV stuck to her arm. It was so heartbreaking for Clinton to see her so vulnerable and helpless. He wanted to beat the living shit out of who ever had done this to her. Suddenly, Stacy started crying in her sleep. Everyone hurried over to her bed and Clinton tried waking her up gently.
“Stace…Darling…its Clinton hun…You’re ok. Everything’s ok” he said.
She finally woke up and she instantly panicked.
“Clinton? Clinton please don’t let him hurt me” She cried and grabbed onto him.
“Don’t let who hurt you? Stacy…Who hurt you?”
“I can’t… I don’t know” She started crying again.
Clinton held onto to her a bit tighter and kissed the top of her head.
“Don’t worry Stacy…I’m here now. I’m here”
They all three looked at one another with tears in their eyes hoping she could remember what happened.

It was now October 2nd, only a few days after the incident, and Stacy was on her way to her book signing. The case was still open and the police claimed that they were doing everything they can to find the guy, but don’t even have a single lead. Stacy was still uneasy. There were already hundreds of people outside waiting even thought the doors weren’t opening for another hour. Clinton had gone with her for support and to look after her. When they arrived Stacy seemed a bit nervous. She hadn’t been out since that day.
“Are you going to be ok beautiful?”
“Yeah…I just hope no one sees this cut on my four head…it’s going to cause a huge media outburst.”
“Don’t worry love…I could barely even see it from here.”
“And he’s still out there Clinton…I’m scared” She said looking at him with sad eyes. She hadn’t quite been the same since that day.
“Stacy…I know it’s so hard not to worry. But I’m not going to let anything happen to you…ill protect you” He said grabbing her hand and kissing the back of it.
She squeezed his hand a bit tighter and smiled.
“Thanks Clinton…you truly are amazing”
Clinton smiled and kissed her tenderly before they got out of the car and into Barnes and Noble.
The doors finally opened and by that time there were already hundreds maybe even thousands there waiting to get her signature. When the middle of the day came, Stacy was already becoming exhausted, but her assistant ran to the rescue with a red bull in hand and Stacy managed to make it through.
“Hello” said the next man in line.
“Hi there!” She smiled brightly. “So who do I make this out too?”
“Lawrence…Lawrence green” He said. “It is such an honor to finally meet you…I’ve been following you for years and I must say, you look even more beautiful in person” He said as she was signing the book.
She wasn’t quite as flattered about that compliment as she was this morning having had heard it so many time already since this morning. She was a tad bit creeped out by the man by saying he had been following her for years, but then calmed a bit when she thought that he may have been talking about twitter.
“Thank you” She replies with a smile as she shuts the book closed. “Here ya go!”
“Thank you very much…I’ll see you soon” He winked at her and walked away.
She looked back at Clinton who also heard everything the man said with a worried look upon her face. Stacy shook it off and continued with the rest of the signing.
That evening, both Stacy and Clinton returned to her apartment around 8:30pm. Even though it was still early, Stacy was clearly exhausted and just wanted to jump into bed. She kicked off her shoes and collapsed on the couch as Clinton took off his coat.
“What are you doing?” Clinton laughed.
“I am way to tired to climb those stairs” She said and laid back on the couch.
“I can take care of that” he said.
He picked her up off the couched causing Stacy to shriek at such a sudden action and took her upstairs. He tossed her onto the bed playfully and then hovered over her. Their laughs quieted and they stared deeply into each other’s eyes for a moment.
“Yes hun…”
“I know we have only been dating for almost a week now, but…”
“But what…”
“I love you. I’ve always loved you…I know it’s so soon, but”
“I love you too Clinton” She interrupted him.
“Really? Do you?”
“I’ve always loved you “She smiled brightly and Clinton kissed her excitedly.
They kissed for quite some time and when they finally broke free Stacy said…
“You know Clinton…I’m so tired I don’t think I have the energy to change out of these clothes…do you think you could help me?
She had a devilish smile on her face.
“Mmmmm it will be my pleasure” he said.
He straddled his legs around her hips and began to slowly unbutton her blouse. As he released each button from its place his heart began to beat faster and faster. When he reached the last button, he bent down and started to attack her neck with gentle kisses and licking lightly causing goosbumps to rise on her skin. She giggled sensually as he made a trail of kisses further down her chest to the swell of her breast. Stacy then arched her back and Clinton slipped off her shirt. He was already feeling the crotch of his pants becoming more and more uncomfortable. He then reached his hand to the side and slowly unzipped her pencil skirt. He then got off of her and slipped it right off. Clinton became even harder as his eyes danced all over her gorgeous body. Trying to contain himself he offered to go grab her pajamas, but she declined.
“Nuh uh…You’re not finished” She said her eyebrow raised staring at him with seductive eyes.
Clinton couldn’t resist. He got right back on top of her. Stacy propped herself up on her elbows and he reached around and easily unhooked her bra with one hand.
“Ah…impressive” She said leaning back on the bed as he pulled her bra away from her body revealing her breasts. Clinton then kissed her deeply as he gently squeezed her breast with his right hand. She reached out to his shirt and began unbuttoning his shirt. Things became so heated, the rest of their clothes quickly made it off their bodies and all over the room.


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