
Mar 28, 2012 17:19

It was late night on a friday and Stacy still had zillions of things to complete for her project due for monday. They were going to fly across country the next morning to do an ambush on a lady completely obsessed with turtles. That ought to be interesting. They wouldn't arrive back until sunday evening so tonight she had to finish. As Stacy had her head buried in masses of paper work piled on her desk holding a pencil in one hand and a book in the other Clinton lays on the couch in her dressing room practically falling asleep.

Hun...why don't you start heading home and go to bed. I follow shortly after. Stacy says as she's still concentrating on her work.

And leave you here alone at 11 o clock at night? I don't think so. He said

Ill be fine. I promise. Shouldn't take me anymore than an hour.

I just don't think its such a good idea to leave you here by yourself.

Babe you're tired and I'm still wired. You need to get some sleep hun. Tell you what. If you go ill be sure to call you when I leave.

I don't care if I have to wait for you. By the way you need your sleep too baby.

I can sleep on the plane. Really Clinton ill be fine.

Clinton knew he wasn't going to win this battle.

You promise?

She finally looks up at him away from her work and slips off her glasses.

I promise. She smiles

Ok. But Please call me when you
Leave. And don't forget please He said walking over to her.

I won't hun

He kisses her on her four head and grabs his coat.

I love you and please be careful.
He said but she was already buried in her work again

uh huh Love you too she said

Clinton takes one last look at her and he leaves. Little did he know that may have been the last time he will ever see her....

An hour passes and Stacy is just about done with her project. She tosses the last sketch onto the desk along with the pencil and lets out a huge sigh of relief. At this point Stacy was finally feeling tired. She organized everything she had and set it all in portfolios to be ready for monday and was finally able to leave. She put on her coat and grabbed her purse and keys and turned off all the lights upon leaving. As she's turning to lock the studio doors behind her she hears a few foot steps off in the distance to what seemed like somebody running. She was startled and looked around the darkened street. She didn't see anything unusual. At least from what here poor eye sight would allow her to see. Still feeling a little uneasy she hurried to her car. As soon as she was about to open her door she felt a set of strong arms grab her from behind and before she could even let out a scream, her mouth was cover with a damp cloth. She screamed underneath the cloth but next thing she knew she could feel herself falling asleep. Not even a second later she fell limp and was carried away....

The next morning Clinton wakes up at 5 am about 3 and a half hours before their flight. He turns to Stacy's side of the bed as he always does each morning.

Good morning beautiful He smiles until he noticed she wasn't there laying beside him as she always is. Not only was she not there but her side of the bed was clearly not slept in. He got up out of bed and turned on the light.

Stace? He called out but didn't get a response. Stace where are you? He called looked toward the bathroom to see if maybe she was in the shower. But she wasn't. He than made his way downstairs.

Maybe she's making coffee he thought to himself

When he got to the kitchen, his stomach sank when he saw the empty coffee pot. At this point he realizes something isn't right.

Stacy! He called out even louder now Stace! Still didn't hear a sound.

Finally he ran to the front door and when he looked outside her car wasn't parked outside. His heart began to race but calmed a little when he thought that maybe she just had fallen asleep at the studio. So he tried her phone a few times but all it did was go straight to voice mail. At this point he decided to drive over to the studio....

Meanwhile Stacy woke up feeling as if she had been hit by a plane. She opened her eyes and the entire room was spinning. So bad to the point she couldn't even tell where she was. She began to get scared.

Ccclinton? She shivered in fear hoping he was there right next to her like he always is but she didn't hear him respond. She reached out next to her and didn't feel him there. She panicked.
Clinton? .... She called again and tried getting out of the bed but her legs quickly gave in and she fell directly on the floor.

She could then hear foot steps approaching and a door opening.
Clinton? Is...Is that you? She asked she still couldn't see a thing. Clinton I feel so dizzy... I... can't see she almost started to cry until she heard someone speak back.

Looks like someone is getting her strength back she heard a recognizable mens voice but knew it wasn't Clinton's

What? You...You're...Not

Shhhh said the man he said and picked her up off the floor gently placing her back on the bed.
Looks like the first dose didn't
Quite do the job.
Stacy wanted to scream and felt the urge to fight him away but her body refused to let her. She felt weaker than she ever had felt in her entire life. All she can do at this point was cry.

Shhh she heard again Don't cry Stacy baby.

That was an old nickname of hers in which only one person would call her. She instantly realizes who the hell it was.

Oh my god...Mark?...
Yes baby its me. Everythings alright you're with me now He said stroking her hair.
No No No! She cried.
Pretty soon you'll be all mine again He said as he reach over to the dresser next to the bed. He pulled out a needle and a tiny little bottle with clear fluid in it and filled the needle.
Stacy looked over and freaked out when she saw the needle.
Don't worry my love it won't hurt a bit. He said and grabbed her arm.
No...please... She cried still feeling too weak to fight back.
Then he stuck the needle in her arm and injected to fluid into her. She gasped at the pain of the needle entering her arm.
Now you're going to feel very sleepy and may forget about a few things here and there but don't worry ill take care of you. He said and kissed her four head.
Stacy could instantly feel herself falling asleep again. As hard as she tried to fight it she passed out.

Clinton's heart was racing just as fast if not faster than he was racing to the studio. The 20 minute drive felt like an eternity as so many scary thoughts kept scrambling his mind. When he made it to the studio he saw her car there and was a tad bit relieved. He ran out of the car and to the doors but they were locked.
Stacy! He called Stacy are you in there?! He waited a few minutes but hadn't heard a thing. Then as he glances over to Stacy's car he saw something near the tired. He walked over and his stomach sank when he saw her purse her phone and a few other of her belongings scattered on the floor. He was confused and scared all at the same time. When he bent over to pick up her things he noticed a small battle laying a few feet away from the car. He walked over to the dark brown bottle with a white label on it not picking it up he bent over and read it and it read Chloroform . Clinton's heart literally stopped and new at that moment someone had abducted her.

Clinton called the police instantly and it seemed they too forever getting there. As the police where gathering evidence he gets a call on his cell from the director Hellen.
Hello...Hellen! He nearly yelled. Uh yes Yes I'm up but something is wrong... Its Stacy...no no no... She's... oh god...he said trying not to cry...She's missing...I think she might have been kidnapped...yes yes the police are here...yes ill call you ok...bye Hellen.

He hung up the phone and ran his fingers through his hair and could no longer keep from crying. After a while Clinton went with the police over to the police Station to answer some questions. They asked him zillions of questions but the police seemed to be getting no where. Clinton was becoming very impatient.

Listen. My Wife is missing. We are not getting any closer to finding her with these questions you're asking. Can we just please Start looking for her.

Mr. Kelly I understand but unfortunately Mrs. Kelly is an adult and we technically can't do anything until she's been missing for at lease 24 hours.

What!? Her purse was on the floor. Her belongings were thrown all over the street and a bottle of Cloroform was found near her car! And that's not enough to know that something serious has happened! He was becoming pissed.

Mr. Kelly I'm sorry. There's nothing we can do. We have determined she went missing around half past midnight until then tonight there's nothing we can do.

This is bull shit! She yelled and jumped out of his chair.

Mr. Kelly please calm down. If you don't hear anything by midnight tonight. Please give us a call.

Clinton shook his head.

Fine but if you're not going to start now then I will he said and raged out of the station.

It was 12 hours later and Stacy had finally woken up from the drugs he injected into her. She felt the same as before her whole body ached and the room was spinning. This time she looked down to her hand and they were hand cuffed. She suddenly panicked and tried getting her hands free. Mark must of heard her struggling and made his way to the room. When he walked in she stopped and tried moving as far away from him as she could with how weak her body was.

Don't be scared Stacy. I'm not going to hurt you he said and sat down on the opposite end of the bed.

What are you doing to me Mark?
Don't worry about it. Soon enough with a few more doses you'll forget all about Clinton and Ill make you fall in Love with me all over again.

What are you talking about?

He reached over and grabbed the second needle from the drawer and filled it again.

Have you forgotten already He said as he filled it. Seems like the medicine is starting to do its job. He said and crawled over to her.

Get away from me She said and tried getting away but she had forgotten that she could not walk and as soon as she stepped on her heel her ankle gave out and she sprained it.

Owe! She cried and fell to the floor.

Mark got up from the bed and walked to the other side. She bend down to her level and quickly injected her again.

Because you wanted to run from me you could just stay there. He said and stood up Sweet dreams.

He left the room and once again the medicine kicked in quickly and she fell asleep again.

12 hours later and Clinton hadn't stopped thinking about her. One question they asked kept burning in his head. "Do you know anyone who would want to hurt Stacy?" He couldn't even imagine anyone ever wanting to hurt her. She was loved by millions and was so kind to everyone she came across. There's not a single person he could think of. At that point his door bell rang and he ran to the door to open it. When he opened the door there stood Stacy's parents and sisters they all had blood shot eyes and sorrow on their faces just as much as Clinton had. He welcomed them in and Clinton lost it. All the fear and sadness he was feeling was finally released through his tears. Stacy's Step mom hugged him instantly and tried to console him. She was crying too.

Don't worry honey. We'll fine her.
Its my fault! Its all my fault! He sobbed.
She released him and looked at him in shock.

Clinton! Its not your fault honey!
Yes it is! I shouldn't have left her Alone at the studio! I should have stayed! He sobbed into her shoulder.

Clinton honey look at me. He did and calmed his crying a bit. Its not your fault. Who ever has her its their fault. We all need to stay strong and do anything and everything we can to find her ok.

She's right Clinton said Herb Please don't blame yourself for this. Now we all need to think. Who could have possibly wanted to do this to her.

They all stayed silent for a few minutes. The only sound in the room was everyone's occasional sniffles. Then suddenly Nancy, Stacy's sister spoke up.

I think I might know who could have done this.

Their heads all shot towards her.

Who? Clinton asked.

I remember about a week ago Stacy telling me something about...Mark

Mark? What about Mark? Clinton asked

I remember her telling me that he was trying to get a hold of her again. He would keep calling her and wouldn't leave her alone. She made me swear not to say anything she started to cry again But I should have. I should of told someone but I didn't know he would actually do something like this. Clinton I'm so sorry she sobbed.

Nance its ok. Its ok. You didn't know. Her mom said and rubbed her back.

Clinton shot up off the couch and went to go grab his coat.

Clinton where are you going Herb asked.

I'm going to go get Stacy he said grabbing his keys.

Clinton shouldn't you call the cops and have them take care of it. It could be dangerous Vicky said.

To hell with the cops. They didn't want to help find her so I'm going to save her myself! I can't wait a moment longer. If anything happens to my wife I will NEVER be able to live with myself and at that he left.

A few hours went by and Stacy was still passed out on the floor. Mark had come in with a snack and a drink for her. He set it aside and went to go pick her up off the floor taking off the hand cuffs before doing so. She woke up slightly when he lifted her and she moaned in pain.

Its ok sweet heart. I'm here. I'm here.

She looked up at him with a look of confusion.

Who...are...you? She asked still half asleep.

Mark stopped with her still in his arms and smiled at her.

I'm you're husband he said.

What? She said. I...I'm not...married" she said.

He walked over to the bed and laid her down before saying.

You are married my love. We've been married for 3 years.

How come I don't remember you? She asked.

Here have a snack please. You haven't eaten since the accident and I'm worried about you.

What accident?

You got into a car accident and you hit your head quite hard my love.

Stacy didn't say anything. She looked away from him examining the room but she didn't recognize the place.

I don't recognize this place She said.

We just bought this house a few months ago. Still haven't settled in fully yet.

She looked at him in disbelief. She wasn't sure if she should trust him or not. Things were just not making any sense to her. He covered her up and kissed her head.

Get some rest my love. Ill come check up on you in a little bit ok.

She still didn't say a word. After he left the room she tried to get out of bed again to make her way over to the mirror across the room. Luckily she was able to stand but she had to hold on to things as she walked to the mirror. When she made it over to the mirror she began to examine her head. She ran her fingers through her hair and checked her hair line. She didn't find a single cut or a bruise in sight....

Clinton arrives at a huge house out in the suburbs all the lights where out but he still got out of his car and made his way over to the door. He hesitated at first but he rang to door bell anyway. A few seconds later a light comes on and then the door opens revealing a tall older man with grey hair a blue eyes.

What are you doing here?
Clinton and his dad rarely ever talk and never really have gotten along.
I...I need your help
Clinton its late. I need to get to sleep. Can this wait.
No dad! it can't wait! If it were Craig you would help him in a heart beat. He said more calm. Please. I really need your help.

His Dad sighs and let's him in.

What going on Clinton? He asked shutting the door behind him.

I need and address.


Dad please. I know you can't do this out side of work but Stacy is missing and I believe this man has her he said handing him a piece of paper with Marks first and Last name on it. Clinton's dad looked at the name on the paper and raised an eyebrow when seeing the name.

Mark Reibling?
Dr. Mark Reibling? Are you sure about this Clinton?
Yes Dad! He's her ex. Nancy told me he's been bothering her lately. I know its him.
He sighs and goes to his computer. He works his magic and 5 minutes later he has an address.
Thanks dad Clinton said and hurried off.
Hey Clinton
He stopped and turned to face his Dad. Be careful and If you would call me and let me know if you two are alright.
Clinton nodded with a smirk and then left.

Stacy slowly began to get her strength back. She could walk now but not very well. Her right ankle is killing her and is swollen. She can't remember how it happened. She noticed she was still dressed in a silver blouse and black pencil skirt wondering why the hell she would still be wearing this right now not only that but 6 inch heels as well. All she can remember is her name. She doesn't know who she is what she does what her personality is nothing. The meds have messed her up to the point that she knows nothing about herself. She looked at the ring on her left hand and examined it. She took it off and admired how beautiful it was. Then as she looks even close she finds some engraving on the inside. It read "Clinton and Stacy. Always and Forever"
Clinton? She said to herself then she looked over to the door that Mark was somewhere on the other side of. Despite how much she had forgotten about her life she knew for sure that man on the other side of the door was not her husband. Then she could hear his footsteps again approaching the door. She puts the ring back on quickly right before he opened the door.

Hey Beautiful. How you feeling? He said and made his way over to her.
She just stares at him with an angry look on her face and Mark notices.
What's your problem? He asked
You're not my husband
Excuse me?
You're not my husband she said a bit louder but a bit slower to make sure he could understand.
He Laughs.
Stacy that medication is really getting to you. I am you're husband.
No you are not! If you are then why is there another mans name engraved onto my ring? Explain that one.
Mark didn't know what to say. He can see that she is obviously catching on.
You know. I was really hoping I didn't have to do this but looks I have no other choice. He reaches into his back pocket where he kept yet another needle which contained and even stronger dose of the medication. As soon as he pulled it out Stacy tried getting away.
Get that away from me! She shouted and kicked him in the crotch with her good foot. As he dropped to the floor in pain Stacy tried running away. She ran as quick as she could with her sprained ankle to the door and out of the room. Despite the horrible pain he felt not only in his groin but now in his stomach he chased after her. She made it to the stairs and tried her best to make it down with out falling. Mark caught up to her and pulled her by the hair.
Get back here! He shouted and she fell backward onto the steps. He quickly jumps around her and he straddles her pinning her down roughly. He reaches for the needle again and quickly pokes her with it but instead in her leg.
You actually thought you can out run me huh? Bad girl he said.
Quicker than before and worse than before. Stacy's body started to feel numb starting from her legs traveling quickly up her body. A few seconds later she could no longer fight back.

Mark then picked her up and took her back to the bedroom. He laid her on the bed and stood over her
Don't worry baby. In a few seconds you won't remember a thing. Good night he said and turned off the light before exiting the room. As Stacy lays in that dark room nearly unconscious Mark goes into the kitchen a grabs a beer. He settles himself on the recliner and after a few swigs he dozes off. Meanwhile as Stacy is in a dead sleep she begins to have a dream but it was more like a flashback. A flashback of her life with Clinton. The smiles the laughs the love and tears. Everything came to her again in her dream. Then the time they had gotten married had played in her dream. She was so happy and looks so radiant as did Clinton. As she continued dreaming, Clinton finally arrives at the house.
He parks across the street and he shuts the door quietly as he's getting out. He runs across the street and walked quietly up to the door. There isn't any lights on so he could barely even see inside. When he looked a little closer he noticed that one of the windows were cracked. He began to take down the screen carefully and quietly. When he finished he set it on the ground and carefully slid up the window. He peaked in before entering to make sure no one was around. When he saw that the coats was clear he stepped inside but as soon as he did something hit him hard across the head.

The next thing Clinton knew, he woke up in an empty room and was tied to a chair by his wrists and ankles. He began to freak out a little until Clinton heard foot steps coming his way. The door swung open to revile Mark carrying Stacy in his arms.

What have you done to her! Clinton yelled with rage.
Shut up! Mark yelled back and he laid Stacy down on the floor across the room from him. Stacy was in and out of consciousness but was well aware of what was going on.

Please just let me go She begged.
Stacy! Clinton said.
Stacy looked toward his direction and stared at him as if were a stranger.
Mark smiled thinking that stronger dose had done the trick. Then Mark starts to laugh.

What's so fucking funny? Clinton asked.
She doesn't remember you idiot! Look at her! She doesn't even know who you are! He laughs even harder.
What the hell are you talking about!...Stacy, honey...
Shut up! Not another word! I'm going to settle this once in for all. Stacy here will soon be MY wife and will never have a single memory of you!
What did you do to her!
As Stacy continues to stare at him she soon started to recognize him.
Clinton? Stacy said finally.
Stace? Yes its me baby. Clinton"
Stacy started to cry.
Please help me she cried.
Mark became furious. All his hard work was blowing up in his face. Now that he finally realized that he can't brainwash Stacy he took drastic measures. He grabs a hammer he had near by and walks toward Clinton.
Now Stacy. Do you love this man? Mark asked her.
Yes...I do She said.
Well if that's so then you wouldn't want to see him get hurt now would you?
Please don't hurt him She begged.
Ok then. If you don't want me to hurt him then you will marry me Stacy.
No she said. No I will not.
Oh really? You won't huh?
Mark then raised the hammer and bashed Clinton on his knee busting his knee cap. Clinton screamed in pain. Clinton! Stacy screamed.
Stacy felt so helpless. She still could barely move all she could do was cry.
Ok now let's try this again. Stacy you will marry me and be with me.
Mark please don't do this she begged.
Mark wasn't having it and did the same thing to Clinton's other knee. Clinton screamed again.
Ok! Ok! I...ill marry you just please...don't hurt him! She started crying even harder
At ta girl. That's all you had to say to begin with. He said and walked over to her. Dropping the now bloody hammer onto the floor. He bent down in front of her and moved her hair to the side and behind her shoulder. Stacy turned her head but Mark forced her to look at him.
I'm so happy to have you back. My life has been miserable without you Stacy baby....

Stacy gasped as if she had just had a terrible dream. She was relieved when she thought all that had been just a dream until she finally realized where she was. She was laying in a hospital bed with and iv stuck to her arm and oxygen tubes up her nose. She began to panic until her mom and dad walked in.

Stacy! They both said happily. You are finally awake! Said her mother.
How you feeling sweetie? Her dad asked.
What happened? Where's Clinton? She started panicking again.
Calm down sweetheart. You need to take it easy.
I want to see Clinton! Where is he?
He's just down the hall sweetie ill go ask if you can go see him.
See him? Why cant he come in here and see me?
Stacy's parents looked at one another with a sad expression on their faces. Stacy had no idea that the dream she had was real.

A few minutes later a nurse came in with a wheel chair.
Ok Mrs. Kelly... Ill be taking you to see your husband.
What is going on Stacy asked.
As they helped her into the wheel chair. Stacy still could barley walk on her own. They wheeled her down the long hallway and almost at the other end they finally turned into his room. As soon as Stacy saw him she started to cry.
Oh my god She cried.
She saw his knees bandaged and soon realized that what she had dreamed of really did happen.
They placed her next to his bed and she grabbed his hand still crying.
This is all my fault she cried.
Clinton then flutters his eyes open. They had him on some strong pain medication that he had been in and out of sleep last night.
Stacy. You're ok he smiles softly at her.
No I'm not ok. Clinton I'm so sorry she said her crying got even harder.
Stacy its not you're fault my love. Look at me.
She did so and her crying calmed.
Ill be ok. I promise. I'm just so happy to see that you're ok. Stacy you could have died. He says and now he's crying. I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you.
What happened Clinton? How were we able to get away?
At that moment, Clinton's dad walked in.
Dad? Clinton asked
Hey Clinton. Hello Stacy.
Hi Stacy's says just as shocked as he is.
Dad did you...
Yes I did. When you said that Mark had her I believed you. And shortly after you left I sent my men out there. I couldn't stand it if anything happened to the two of you.
Dad Thank you. If it wasn't for you I could have lost her Clinton said and became teary eyed.
Thank you so much Stacy said.
His dad smiled.
I'm so glad you two are ok. If you need anything. Don't hesitate to call me He said.
Thank you they said at the same time. And he left.
They looked back at one another and stared into each others eyes for a moment thanking god that they still had one another until the moment was interrupted by worried friends and family coming into the room.


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