Girl of his Dreams part 2

Feb 09, 2011 21:17

A week later, Ted and his wife invited Clinton to come along to a christmas party. At the party, Clinton and Ted were sitting  off to the side, talking an having a few beers. As Clinton took a swig of his beer, he notices a woman on the other side of the room. She has long lustrious black hair that was in soft loose curls, her eyes deep and seductive and a smile to kill for. Clinton nearly choked on his beer when he saw her.
'WHOA!...Are you ok?" Ted asked.
"Dude thats her!" He choked.
"The woman of my dreams...That's her!" Clinton pointed" Thats even the same dress whe wore in my dreams"
Ted turned and looked and was shocked to see who he was talking about.
"Oh...My...Dude!...I know her!"
"What!!! you do???"
"Yes! ...oh wow this is crazy!"
"Who is she?" Clinton asked.
"She is my wifes boss!"
Clinton shook his head in disbelief.
"There is no way this is happening" Clinton said.
"This is unbelievable!...You have got to go talk to her"
"You think so?"
"Yes! This has got to mean something. This is some sort of crazy preminition!"
He looked over at her again. When he did, So did she and they instantly locked eyes. Clinton smiled at her nervously. She smiled back and his stomach filled wih butterflies again.
"Do it" Ted said.
Clinton took a deep breath.
"Ok..I'm gonna go talk to her"
He stood up from his seat and quickly sat down.
"Clinton whats wrong?"

"I cant...I'm too vervous"
"dont lose your never know, maybe this is meant to be"

Later on that night, Clinon finally built up the courage to go talk to her. He walks over to her. his stomach becoming nausious, his heart pumping, and his legs felt as if tey were going to tumble beneath him. He took another deep breath and said:

"Hello there"
"Hi!" She said an smiled.
"Wow...You are beautiful. Im Clinton"
"Than you. Im Stacy. It's nice to meet you"
They shook hands.
"Its a pleasure to met you"
Clinton kissed her hand causing her to smile brightly, causing him to have chills run up his spine.
"You have a beautiful smile Stacy"
"Thank you" she blushed.

They totally hit it off.They talked and talked and laughed a lot. They had a few drinks and definitly enjoyed each others company.
"So Stacy...Are you uh...Seeing anyone?"
"No...I'm not: She said.
"As beautiful as you are? And you're single?"
Stacy smiled an her cheeks became a little flush. Stacy then looked at the time an realized that she had to leave.
"Well Clinton, I have to get going'
"Awe you do?"
"Yeah its kinda late and i have to get up super early tomorrow"
"Well Stacy...I really enjoyed your company...I had a wonderful time with you"
"Thank you Clinton and so did i"
They both smiled at one another and they both locked eyes for a moment.
"Well...I better go"
"Wait Stacy, before you go...May i?"
He looked up and then back down at her with a smile. She did the same a realizes they were standing under the mistle-toe. She smiled at him as his face grew closer to hers. Then she let him kiss her. They both got lost in the kiss and it intesified. They released the kiss and they both smiled.
"Wow" Clinton said.
"Goodbye Clinton"
She looked him in the eyeand smiled. Then sh waked off. He watched her for a bit, but then he realized that he had forgotten to ask for her number.
"Stac wait! Can i have yo num...ber"
She was already gone.
"Damn" He said with disapointment.

He went back inside and Ted asked:
"So...How did it go?"
"Amazing! we really hit it off. and...we kissed"
"No way!"
"Yeah! wow...It felt so good"
"See! I told you those dreams had to of meant something"
"Well...Actually...Maybe not...I didnt get her number"
"I know! I forgot"
"How could you forget?"
"I was so lost in her eyes and so caught up in that kiss...I forgot...Now i may never see her again"

to be continued

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