(no subject)

Jan 18, 2011 20:42

Author: Me
A/N: This is not a continuation of my original post, I hit a block and gave up. This is all new and all me. Thanks to all of you who welcomed me so warmly to psandps. Greatly appreciated. Reminder: I own nothing except my own ideas! Also, typically, my fic titles and chapter names will come from lyrics to songs or titles of songs. I do not own those, either!

Title: Sometimes You Leave

Stacy was asleep on the couch when her doorbell rang. She stirred from her comfortable position to glance at her clock. It was 4:30 in the morning. She slowly stood and padded over to her front door. From the window beside the door, she could see a silver Porsche in her driveway. It was raining hard, but he clearly didn't care. She opened the door a crack, so not to let the snow in to her foyer. "Stacy," Clinton Kelly stood on her porch, shivering from the cold. Stacy placed a hand on her four-months' pregnant abdomen. "Clinton, come in... Is everything, em, okay?" "No, Stace. It isn't." He took his shoes off and went to sit in her love seat. She followed. "Clinton, hun, what's the matter?" He rubbed his tired, blue eyes. "Stace, I just, I can't do it anymore. We carry on separately like nothing has ever happened between us and honestly; it kills me. I know there's so much more than meets the eye. That's enough to kill me. I want to be with you, Stacy." For once, she was speechless. This was quite the 4 am revelation. "Clinton, I don't know what to say. I mean, we agreed this was for the best for you, me,and Avry. And now, with this baby we knew it was going to be more complicated, but Clinton, we decided it would be easier to handle the press coverage without the added 'page 5' about us as a couple." "Stacy, I know, and I'm sorry if this is a burden you are worried about carrying. That isn't how I want it, or mean it for that matter. I just need to spend my life with you and Ava, and this new baby. I can't go on pretending that alone is how I want to spend my days." "Okay, Clinton, I hear you. I understand. I want us to be a family as much as you do." She was tired, he could see that in her eyes, her smile, her posture. He shouldn't have woken her like this. Now he heard 5 month old Avry crying from the next room. "Would you like me to go get her while you go back to sleep?" "I would love that, but if she is absolutely out of control, bring her to me." He nodded.
      Stacy lay in bed while Clinton was helping Avry wondering what she had just gotten herself into. She loved him with all of her heart and every fiber of her being depended on him. Hell, she thought, she was even having a second child with him. She had to love him. She just couldn't believe that they were actually going to act on those mutual feelings. It was definitely something that would have to be discussed heavily the next day when both were of the right mind set. As she was drifting back to sleep, she heard footsteps approaching her door. She lifted her head. "Someone wants her mommy..." Clinton held Avry so she was facing Stacy. "Aw, bring her on over here. Mommy is always looking for some love from Miss Avry Faye." Clinton sat on the bed and handed Stacy the baby. Immediately, Avry calmed down and burrowed herself into the folds of Stacy's body. "How do you do it?" He whispered in awe. "Maternal instinct, maybe? My personal theory is that I'm just her foodbank and she likes sucking up to me...shit, that was a bad pun." They both laughed. "Clinton, would you like to spend the night?" Clinton wanted to, for sure, but he wasn't sure he should. "I would love to, as long as it doesn't set you up for a burden." "Of course not, we would like you here, huh Avry?" The baby wriggled her head in Stacy's hand. "I guess that's a yes, then?" Clinton smiled.
     The next morning, Clinton had a hard time sleeping in. He was awoken at 7 by Avry, whom he took and rocked back to sleep so Stacy could rest. When Avry was finally asleep again, Stacy still hadn't stirred and he desperately wanted to go back to sleep but just couldn't. Instead, he lay in Stacy's King bed and took in every aspect of the love of his life. Her natural beaut was captivating. Avry was sure to be a stunner, she already had so many of her mother's features. Before long, Stacy stirred and woke. "Good morning, sunshine," Clinton said as she opened her eyes. "Hey, how'd you sleep?" He smiled. "I slept all right. Avry sleeps well,eh?" Stacy smiled. "Yeah, she does. I'm pretty lucky, especially with this one to keep me busy, too." She gestured towards her stomach. "Clinton, let's talk about this. Are you absolutely sure that you want us to be a real family?" She was willing him with her eyes unintentionally. She wanted, craved, his honesty. "Stacy, yes. There is no place I would rather be than raising a family with you and for the world to know it and eat it up." Stacy nodded. "Are you positive that this is what you want for us though, Clinton?" "What do you mean?" "I mean, is this what you honestly think is best for all of us?" "Of course I do, honey." "Okay, I'm sorry. This is just all so crazy to me." "I know, it's a little crazy to me, too." "So, when are you moving in?"

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