I've been sick...

Mar 06, 2009 23:13

I really don't know what kind of sickness- just sick.. everyone kept calling asking "do you have the flu??...is it a virus?? ...is it a stomach virus??? ...maybe it's this _____??do you have the....??"
why can't I just be SICK? No name other than SICK. PERIOD...???
I'm feeling a little better now. I did get out and enjoy our 70degree weather... muscle pain and all ("I'm sorry", those who got infected from me today..) well,i wasn't really OUT- Enjoying it.. I worked. Viewed a new listing, showed some homes.. blah-blah-blah..but did enjoy these homes today...
Funny thing; tonight as on every Friday we had our "girls night"- Lydia, Leah and I... we do our thing -whatever craziness that may be. Tonight we made up some exercises, played an annoying game of Scrabble in which Lydia won 1st place, Leah won 2nd and me coming in last. (don't even ask how that happened when I help Leah with her words)...
We also played I Declare War- Leah one most of the games, we did our Bible study (20mins nightly prayer,bible reading, worship song)then we ended with practicing ASL.
Which includes: greetings, alphabet, numbers, general conversation and learning new words...but we MUST be silent (no spoken word) the entire time.
Anyway, Leah (as usual) was acting-up... doing WAY more than necessary- during our ASL session so I yelled at her in sign.
Lydia was starting to speak and tell Leah what I said when Leah screamed out:
I was so proud of her... not because she yelled but because it's coming so natural that she is actually HEARING the signs behind the silence. She didn't say "I saw it or saw her Lydia" but she said "I HEARD..." :)

This made my week..
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