
Feb 28, 2009 22:33

the past few days have been strange.
Tuesday night I had a Mardi Gras/Birthday Party at a friends house
Wednesday- Lydia was sick- Reggie got a crazy quote of $1500 to fix my car
Thursday- Lydia & I was sick, so she couldn't go to speech; not that i had a car to make it
Friday- had to drag myself out of bed to take a buyer on tours for a 20K home.. he had to drive us- he came with THREE other friends that did not ADD to the experience but each complained about the homes the buyer thought were good - come on people, we're talking a 20K house- do you really think you would have appliances??? or even a toilet??
Friday night- I'm the recording secretary for my neighborhood planning unit so I had to attend the retreat this weekend we had a Spelman, which started at 6:30PM Friday about WORN out. Had to first find a ride. Done.
Saturday- back at Spelman at 8AM... 10AM community summit "Operation Neighborhood Takeback", 12-back to Spelman for a LONG day of lectures...
Saturday- 5PM, met with Partner at the coffeeshop to discuss business plan before finally heading home. .............and since my girls have not seen me all day- guess who wanted to be in my room and talk. :(((
I had to pray hard for patience because I AM extremely tired.
I'm behind in my ASL- no real studying or practice since I think I'll watch a few deaf videos (performed in ASL) just to act like i'm learning something..

oohhh I pressed a button and almost lost this crappy post! :( somethings it just drives me crazy that there is no auto save on LJ!
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