I need new icons

Sep 28, 2008 21:00

I haven't been here in so long- what icons are hot? I'm sure everyone probably has a "Rock the Vote" or "Vote or Die" or some "vote Barack or the world is over" icon lol...
Is this election crazy or what?
Did you ever imagine we would have a black man running for president? I did- but didn't think it would be this soon in my life, for some reason- I dont know why I slept on it happening now.

What do you think? I'm not sure what I think yet....I mean, I asked many people for their thoughts and they seem to all have memorized the "Black power" speech and are either supporting him just because he's black...... no intelligent pro's/cons conversation. -Not that I'm one for talking politics, you know I have my own views- Biblical views and I'm so far from where the majority of the world is....

So Lydia turned 8 on Friday. Can you believe it? 8!!! I think she was 2 when I first came here via Leslie. We had a sleep over and went to the mall. Went to "Clairs- Accessory store" and I gave everyone a $5 limit to buy something. ...Why did these kids keep coming up to me asking me if $7.99 is OK?? 8 year olds DO know how to count dont, they? But yet I spent 45mins in a store constantly asking people "is that greater than or less than $5?.. what do YOU think?"
Leah is 4...very talkative, and starts every sentence with "Mommy, can I ask you something..." then dive right into the question without waiting for my response. Today I said, "No- you can't ask me anything..." and I guess she either didn't hear me or care because she kept talking and asked anyway! lol..

Pics of my crew- Lydia, CJ and Leah

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