So I'm catching up..

Jul 21, 2008 21:28

Reggie and I finally got an IPOD. I know- FINALLY! LOL.. but it's too addicting downloading music... I'm hearing songs I completely forgot about but once LOVED..such as En Vogue, Runaway Love..and Denise Williams "Silly", the good old days. LOL..

So we're preparing for our NY trip on Wednesday. We took the girls to MD last week- Lydia is NOT enjoying herself this time. She's a bit home sick. We'll see her on Wednesday. I feel bad because I HATED being left placed I didn't want to be for an extended period of time- however I was NOT about to drive back to MD after that long trip.

I pulled out of my mother-in-law's wedding. Which is cool, but now leaves me with "What should I wear?" ..I have some sexy shoes but now need a cute dress... cheap and cheerful is what I'm thinking so I'll probably head to Macy's tomorrow and check out clearance. I'd love to wear all white. - oh, is that bad to wear white to someone else’s wedding? The bride is not wearing it shouldn't matter right?
I would really love to wear my favorite color; black- but I thought THAT would be wrong...
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