And so the world begins to change

Apr 27, 2011 05:07

It is odd how people can despair of change ever happening and then be completely freaked out when it actually does come. I've lived through enough highs and lows in my life to the point where I shouldn't be surprised...and yet I am, just a little. A friend happened to post something on Facebook about contentment and the thought occured to me that my first response would be to quote the Biblical maxim "In all things be content." But should I really be content in all things? No. There are times when we should never be content with the status quo, or look the other way when injustices are occuring. You don't necessarily make the world a better place by standing pat and being content with what is: sometimes you need to dare to dream about what should be. The result was a bit of despair in my head that a piece of my faith had died.

In my old faith tradition, I would picture God as being incredibly upset with that statement, and would heap burning coals of trial and tribulation on my head for daring to think it. What happened the next day was a stunning answer alright, but not the one I was expecting. Samantha called and said the guy she'd been living with no longer wanted her there any more and that she had no other options that would allow her to keep her dog. She wanted to come home to Grand Rapids. She was ready to begin our life together. Now this was great news, but there is no place in this trailer to put a dog with three cats and a rabbit. I had to find a house. I wasn't expecting to be looking for a house. I would have liked more money in the bank before beginning the process. I don't have a choice.

The realtor on my route has long been hoping I'd eventually get tired of my cozy little trailer and happily provided a list of houses that fit the general description of what I wanted and how much I was willing to pay. Yesterday, he scheduled four showings for me. The very first house I saw was the one I knew I wanted and would be a place where Samantha and I could raise a family and grow old together. So I put an offer in on it and now I wait. Will I get it? I don't know. I'm excited. I'm scared to death! I don't know how it will all work out. I'm proceeding on faith that I've been given a miracle this Easter season. And so I wait...
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