Hey all.
I saw Curious Case of Benjamin Button tonight. Wow, what a beautiful movie! Both visually and emotionally. It was three hours long, but didn't really feel so. Not too sentimental, which I thought it would be. Not mushy, but still emotionally affecting. I really enjoyed it, and I definitely recommend it. (AND OH YEAH BRAD AND CATE ARE GORGEOUS. Holy crap, Brad's still got it. And Cate is radiant!!)
On another note, I am officially in love with It's Always Sunny in Philedelphia. Jesus, those guys are hilarious. I'm so late to the party on this one, I had never even heard of the show until November of last year. And it's so funny! Charlie is my favourite. That little retarded manchild makes me laugh like no other. And it's nice because they're all such terrible people that I feel automatically better about myself! Download it if you get the chance, seriously.