Jan 03, 2006 12:39
remember when you had to write acrostic poems using the letters of your name and each one had to begin an adjective that described you? i think that was the worst idea ever. i have a lot of letters, and a lot of weird letters, like z, and my only options ever were zestful and zealous, of which i am neither and those are weird words anyway. or j: am i joyful, jubilant, jewish, jowly, jesting, jovial? ugh. and o was hard too, and i have 2 of them, surprisingly vowels were kind of hard. odd, opaque, oblique, ostentatious, overt, ostensible. but i didn't have much of a vocabulary back in the day when fourth-grade teachers thought these would be the best introductions to the poetry unit because oh won't it be cute to have them building vocabulary and maybe self-esteem if they choose the good adjectives to describe themselves. clearly poetic genius.