Title: Fandoms in Trek AUs: Star Wars (Prequels) - ship's seal and enamel coin
Artist: Hakka (
prue84 )
Fandom: Star Wars (Prequels Trilogy) AU / Star Trek (new trek)
Mirror (1.0.5)Rating: G
Tagline: The seal and enamel coin for the ISS Empire.
Series: Fandoms in Trek AUs (
About the starship: Notes from the Empire-A apply here as well, as this is a derivation from that project - in-world this ship is a predecessor though.
About the motto: No "New Order" term ever appeared in the prequels. I couldn't find any decent quote to get a motto from, but then I visited the Galactic Empire page on Wookiepedia, and the famous Padmé quote from Revenge of The Sith was described as "(...) following the declaration of a New Order". I liked the term. I don't care if it's been introduced only recently in the canon.
Besides, the alternative was Palpatine's blabbering about a "safe and secure society" - wouldn't sound bad, "For a safe and secure society", it would have an ominous feeling in a Mirror Universe, but... meh.
Notes: I'm not planning to release a crew manifest for this specific ship, as it would be just a mirror version of the Republic. Stories about the fate of at least the main characters that would belong to this crew will touched in the Empire-A, which was the original idea for the Star Trek/Star Wars Prequels fusion.
Behind the seal: Colors palette from the non-movie canon Empire flag.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): This is the first version I did for the Empire (TOS) ship. It was just when I was making the metal version that I decided to add the red to the center background, and this red/white/black one was put aside.
I liked it, though, and wished to save it. And the idea: why not making the Empire a derivative starship (like the Enterprise-A and later)? And so we are.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
Dreamwidth, Deviantart (
enamel coin), Tumblr (
enamel coin).
Click to see fullsize (1000 x 1000)
SF:\Classified\Other Timelines\Terra Firma\ISS Empire>NCC_1977>_
“New Order”
Ship’s Name: I.S.S. Empire
Ship’s Registry: NCC-1977
Command History: Captain Sheev Palpatine (?-PRESENT) << incomplete data >>
Ship’s Class: Constitution Class
Ship’s Type: Heavy Cruiser
Ship’s Overview: << unavailable data >>
Ship’s Service History, abridged: << unavailable data >>
Status: Active (2262.214 local)
Encounter date: Restricted
Encounter location: Restricted
Encounter date: 2262.201 (USS Republic)
Crew complement: << unavailable data >>
Crew manifest: << unavailable data >>
Enamel coinThe enameled coin bearing the ship's seal, that is given to any crew member who serves on that ship in any capacity or rank in the centuries-long tradition of service coins.
Click to see fullsize (1000 x 1000)