Title: Fandoms in Trek AUs: Star Wars (Prequels) - ship's seal and enamel coin
Artist: Hakka (
prue84 )
Fandom: Star Wars (Prequels) AU / Star Trek (reboot)
Rating: G
Tagline: The seal and enamel coin for the USS Republic.
Series: Fandoms in Trek AUs (
About the starship: The USS Republic (registry number NCC-1371) is TOS-canon: it's the ship where Kirk serve with Ben Finney. However, its status by 2267 (Court Martial) is unclear. Also, its belonging to the Costitution-class is uncertain and not canon. We only know that Jim served on it in 2254, at the start of his career (when he likely were still a cadet).
The Kelvin Timeline established the Enterprise's launch in 2258 instead of the 2240s of the main timeline (the specific date, 2245, was made canon only with Discovery, but this year was already referenced in production material from Enterprise). In the comics they partially tried to explain this difference with the existence of a previous Enterprise, commanded by Robert April and lost during a mission (a plot I'm not much fond of). Anyway. If the Enterprise in this timeline could be launched 13 years later, I guess the Republic could be younger as well.
Or. There could be a Republic, where AOS!Kirk served for a round as a cadet, and a newer Republic, a Constitution-class that was given the name of the vessel that had been just retired/turned into training ship (can the fleet keep two working ships with the same name or they need to retire one before assign the same name to another?). I decided for this option, mostly because I want to keep my hands free: I like to consider these Fandom Crews canon in my own AOS, so I wouldn't want Jim to have to serve as a cadet under captain Palpatine, lol - besides, I want him to be "Constition-class-virgin" when he gets on the Enterprise: the Enterprise is his one and only Constitution-class.
Also, this way I can pick the registry number.
Speaking of which. The number is the year The Phantom Menace was released, and the first time we saw on screen the Republic. Does the 1999 makes sense, given the Enterprise's 1701? No. But canon registry numbers for Constitution-class don't make sense either, going from 1664 of the Excalibur to the >1701 of the Constitution referenced in the movies.
About the motto: "Together we shall bring peace and prosperity to the Republic" is a quote from The Phantom Menace, when Palpatine - just elected Chancellor - reassures Amidala.
I decided to pick this quote and turn it into the infinite a la "To Boldy Go" of the Enterprise. (Confession: I actually didn't find anything else).
Notes: I have the crew manifest on the works since 2020. Hopefully I'll complete the graphics sometime.
Behind the seal: The red comes from the Republic flag as seen in the fifth season of in Clone Wars, in a shot of the Republic military headquarters on Coruscant: the flag features the emblem on a field of a specific shade of red.
In the comics the flag appeared in the white/black/red palette similar to the one later used for the Galactic Empire, but I elected to use the one from Clone Wars as it should be more canon, I guess? Actually, I didn't want the redundancy.
The logo itself is the one used in Clone Wars, where the six clogs are shorter than the classic version used in comics.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): The seal was done in April, but only in late August, while on a roll, made the coin version. It took me a while to make it work and still I'm not completely satisfied but, whatever.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
Dreamwidth, Deviantart (
enamel coin), Tumblr (
enamel coin).
Click to see fullsize (1000 x 1000)
SF:\Starfleet\Starships\USS Republic>NCC_1999>_
“To Bring Peace and Prosperity”
Ship’s Name: U.S.S. Republic
Ship’s Registry: NCC-1999
Ship’s Class: Constitution Class
Ship’s Type: Heavy Cruiser
Enamel coinThe enameled coin bearing the ship's seal, that is given to any crew member who serves on that ship in any capacity or rank in the centuries-long tradition of service coins.
Click to see fullsize (1000 x 1000)