Manip - Embracing the Vulcan culture

Mar 09, 2022 23:59

Title: Embracing the Vulcan culture
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot)
Pairing: Spock/Uhura
Characters: Nyota Uhura, Spock.
Rating: G
Tagline: Spock and Uhura in Vulcan clothes.
About the manip: After the events of Altamid, Spock and Uhura decide to take a sabbatical year on New Vulcan while waiting for the Enterprise-A to be ready to sail again. And Uhura embraces the Vulcan culture - and couture.
Notes: Something thrown together in three hours for Uhuramonth because I discovered it was up, seen that in two days there was AOS!Uhura/Ships theme, and I really wanted to participate despite my "no manips to be rushed" policy. Cheers to me!
Double cheers because I gave up to make this manip in 2020 when I discovered the two Zoe Saldana fansite I used to get her pics were either gone or started from scratch and their big galleries gone.
Notes 2: Yes, I know, that's Yorktown in the background. Don't care.
Spock and Uhura taking a sabbatical year is adressed in IDW's series Star Trek: Boldy Go.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): I do hate Zach, he's got big brows so transfom him into Spock is a nightmare, and he has too few Spock promo pics, and the ones he got (99% coming from Star Trek (2009)) are so photoshop-brushed that they're ugly. And yes, I had to use one of those. Meh. So I can see he's not the right Spock for the time setting I decided for the manip, as you can see he's a 7-years-early Zachary. Sigh. I know, might be just me, and a Spuhura fan might not care, and just enjoy the piece (thank you!), but I'm anal. Forgive me.
Anyway, it's been trickier than you might think, to fix Zoe's face: she was over-light in her pic, and I had to remove those light points, and then fix the Vulcan-woman's hairpiece on her, and that damn lock! All the while, Zachary has no light points, I did what I could but light/shadows aren't my strong manips points.
All in all, it doesn't look as bad as initially looked to me. Although Zoe looks like she's playing a Japanese in traditional costumes. *lol*
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
The Vulcan couple of the pic are two background characters who appeared in the Yorktown set.
Zoe Saldana from CNET magazine, summer 2016.
Zachary Quinto Spock as Spock from Star Trek (2009) promo shoot.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (1000px x 667)

relat trek: spock/uhura, 2.0 (reboot), ++ fandom: star trek, + manips, char trek: nyota uhura, char trek: spock

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