Manip - A day off in Iowa

Oct 20, 2015 23:17

Title: A day off in Iowa
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (TOS)
Pairing: Kirk/Spock (implied)
Characters: James Kirk, Alexander Kirk
Rating: G
Tagline: Jim introducing Alexander to the Kirk family tradition: riding horses.
Series: Baby & dads
Notes: I admit I never thought about a baby for the space husbands (the TOS timeline to me is already perfect and I never feel it like adding headcanons of my own to the canon we are already given), but I couldn't resist the lovely pic of Mr. Shatner and his baby: it just begged to be turned into a Star Trek thing.
Notes 2: I personally believe that, if Jim and Spock managed to have a baby with their combined genetic material, the child would look human, with rounded ears and such. I don't remember if the whole "Vulcan genetics are dominant" is fandom, canon or semi-canon, but I still think the son of a human and a half-human would most likely be human. My personal headcanon would be human in appearance but with telepathic abilities like a Vulcan and more physical strength than the average human.
However... to not cheat too much, on this manip I've gone with the more general fandom version of the Spirk baby, a Vulcan (blond) child.
Notes 3: Though I've used patch and rank from TMP, I guess this pic would be set sometime before TMP? I can't give a date to this photo: was it shot after TOS was cancelled? Shatner seems different than the times when he was working on TOS but way younger than TMP.
Notes 4: I'm not even sold on the name: Alexander is the name me and Dragoneyes picked for our mirror!reboot Spirk baby and, alongside with his adult physical appearance (aka Jared Leto), applies to the reboot space boyfriends if/when I give them a baby. "Alexander" doesn't work for me for the TOS husbands: I feel that, if they had a baby, they would give him a Vulcan name.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): God, I hate how the work on the ears turned out. And the TMP patch too. And the noise-pixelated quality of the pic. Basically I hate everything, but the pic itself is cute so... hmm... appreciate the idea if not the effort?
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (1023 x 795)

1.0 (tos), ++ fandom: star trek, + manips, relat trek: kirk/spock, series: baby & dads, char trek: alexander kirk

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