Manip - Hellfire Gala 2021's design variants

Dec 23, 2023 21:30

Title: Hellfire Gala 2021, the carpet (design variant)
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: X-Men (comics)
Pairing: Warren/Elizabeth
Characters: Elizabeth Braddock, Warren Worthington III
Rating: G
Tagline: Who is escorting who to the Hellfire Gala? Is it Elizabeth Braddock the partner of X-Corp CXO Warren Worthington III, or is Angel the partner of Captain Britain at her first debut to an official event?
About the manip: There must be a timeline out there in which Krakoa happened and Warren and Betsy had the chance to heal their relationship after the return from the Age of X-Man, so they went to the first Hellfire Gala together, as the second power couple of Krakoa and mutantdom.
Notes: Since the last time I rambled about them in June 2021, not only Betsy and Warren didn't interact, but Betsy met and alternate!Warren who is engaged with an alternate!Betsy and then ended up in the arms of another, while Warren vanished after X-Corp was cancelled.
Notes 2: Most useless manip ever. But I've been in a very bad mood because of Warren current status in the X-Corner (well, last three years were a prolonged drought but Dark X-Men was the last straw) and I had the urging need to do something for him, since canon doesn't.
I'll die on the Warren/Betsy ship.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): Took way more hours than it's worth wasting on an idiocy like this. The work behind the scenes is more than what you'd expect when you have to characters that you have to paste near each other.
Betsy's ribbons were cut on one side, so I had to replace them. Also, I changed a bit the pose of her legs, which are open wider in the original art.
In the first version, Warren and Betsy weren't this close, so I had to move Warren's right arm because it was seen behind Betsy - now the hand is just floating with no sense (even if you don't see it). General corrections here and there to mask spots that needed to be hidden (on wings and the inner jacket).
Also, I had to trace over all the borders.
Had fun in adding my and Mr. Dauterman's names in the background, as if we had been sponsors of the event. :D
Eventually I made another version in which I heavily modified Warren, but that will debut in the future (when, who knows).
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this. Full credits below the manip itself.
No AI involved. All made with a mouse, not pens involved (that would've have shortened the time). Also not background removal apps or other apps involved. Just Photoshop CS2.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (1920 x 1454)

Arts by Russel Dauterman, released as two Design cover variants, respectively Hellions #12 for Angel and S.W.O.R.D. #6 for Captain Britain.
X-Force background art released by Marvel as call background - artist and colorist unspecified.

relat x-men: warren/betsy, + manips, char xmen: elizabeth braddock, ++ fandom: x-men, char xmen: angel (warren worthington)

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