Unfortunately, you're looking at it all wrong. When you're busy with important engagements, you produce the neurotransmitter ephinephrine (adrenaline) which shuts down your immune system. (That's why it is administered against out of control immune responses like anaphylaxis) You got sick when you were busy (pumping stress juice) because you were busy (pumping stress juice). You experienced the symptoms only afterward because epinephrine also causes a temporary and misleading feeling of vitality and alertness.
Yes, I'm aware that actually contracting a cold virus and showing the symptoms thereof are not the same thing. However, it doesn't make a difference to me if I think of the symptoms as the "getting sick" bit, because I don't tend to do anything about it until I show symptoms anyway, and it doesn't affect my day-to-day much unless the symptoms themselves are around.
But if it makes you feel better, you can read the entry substituting "show symptoms" every time you see "get sick". I still think it's remarkably punctual about the whole business, especially since I'm pretty sure my adrenaline doesn't just shut right off as soon as I'm done a string of performances.
Comments 3
But if it makes you feel better, you can read the entry substituting "show symptoms" every time you see "get sick". I still think it's remarkably punctual about the whole business, especially since I'm pretty sure my adrenaline doesn't just shut right off as soon as I'm done a string of performances.
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