(copied from lunachele)

Aug 11, 2004 13:28

You Know You're From Alaska When...

"Vacation" means driving to Chitna to dip net
- Didn't personally do this, but I know lots of people who do.

You measure distance in hours. - Yes.

You know several people who have hit a moose. - Yes.

Your school classes aren't cancelled because of cold. - Mostly true.

Your school classes were canceled because of ice.
- School is only cancelled if its 60 degrees below zero - but some kids don't go if the ice fog is too bad, or the roads are too icy to get there.

You think of the major four food groups as moose, caribou, beer, and squaw candy.
-Not for myself, but most Alaskans do eat a lot of moose and drink a lot of beer.

You know what a real sockeye is, and have a recipe for candy ones.
-I know the fish, but don't have any candy recipes.

You can spell words like Chatanika, Ninilchik, and Tuntutuliak.
-Better yet, I can pronounce them!

You've had cabin fever. -Of course.

Mosquito dope is a part of your daily attire. -It was.

Travel luggage consists of ice coolers (or fish boxes) wrapped with duct tape.
-Alaska is all about duct tape.

A seven course meal is a sixpack and a can of SPAM.
-I actually did grow up on SPAM.

You have bigger tires on your plane than on your car.
-We rode in a float plane.

Someone mentions "super cub" and you do not envision a tiny bear wearing blue tights and a red cap. - Yes.

Your relatives/friends think you live too far away for them to come visit you, but keep asking you to come see them more often. - True.

The reason you don't own a poodle is because an eagle ate the last one.
-It happens.

Kids catch the bus in the dark and get off it in the dark. -Yep.

You know that road flares will start a nice bon fire. - Sometimes.

You take the door off the outhouse to see the aurora.
-And to watch for bears.

You like your neighbors. -We always did.

You know at least one pot grower. -Quite a few.

You put up with the pain of a toothache until the Permanent Fund Dividend checks come out in October.
- We did count on that check for a lot of stuff.

You know going "outside" involves a whole lot more than opening a door and walking into the yard.
-Outside is the lower 48 (the rest of the U.S.)

You know Bunny Boots aren't worn by bunnies or made out of bunnies.
-My dad wore them - rubber cold weather boots made by the military.

You don't know anyone who doesn't own a 4-wheeler.
-Actually, I see more people with 4-wheelers in western Washington, by far.

You've washed your car while there was still snow on the ground. - Yes

You learned to swim indoors. -Yes

Your bedroom windows are covered in aluminum foil.
-No, but cardboard or Visquine.

The seat in your outhouse is lined with styrofoam so your butt won't freeze to it when you have to sit down for a certain amount of time.
-Of course.

You've had to set your alarm every three hours to go start you car and let it run for 20 minutes so hopefully it will start in the morning so you can go to work.
-If you can't plug it in.

You open your freezer to take out something for dinner, and are faced with many choices, Pink Salmon, Silver Salmon, Red Salmon, King Salmon, Smoked Salmon, or Halibut!
-Ours had lots of Halibut, moose meat and muskrat furs (not to eat).

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