Ooo, memey

Feb 14, 2009 12:52

liviidid this meme and I commented on her love of W. E. Johns who, no duh, I love too. And she tagged me, which I hadn't intended, but hey, who doesn't love to talk about themselves? (answer: only people who don't have a blog). So the rule is: Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.

Biggles, natch
I love the fantastic amounts of glee that Biggles fandom has given me, reinvigorating my enjoyment of these classic adventure tales. biggles_slash is a pretty small, quiet community, as far as I've seen, and yet it's lovely, with some great stories lurking around, and the love of Johns both for his canon and for our own slashy readings of his books.

My father is one of the foremost Johns experts in Australasia, and it's been really special that, what with my recent rediscovery and rabid consumption of Biggles, we're been able to have long talks about it all. (Well, all except the slash, which he doesn't accept.) He's my go-to source for Biggles trivia. He also has loads of back-copies of the W E Johns magazine, Biggles Flies Again, which is an awesome source of meta and non-slashy love.

My self-indulgent, squee-filled reviews of Biggles books are tagged biggles on my mind. I love to meander on about the historical and cultural contexts of the stories, the character development (or lack thereof), Johns' sometimes quite startlingly good descriptive passages, incidental points of interest (particularly to do with the wars), and, of course, the eternal homoerotic surtext that keeps me coming back for more.

Um, well, I thiiiiink by Australia you may mean New Zealand? ;) However, since you mention it, and what with the very difficult times in Aussie right now, and since I do have family there, forthwith a list of things about Australia that I love/like:
  • the weather. I love hot weather, particularly when I don't have to deal with it all the time, but can just enjoy it on occasion. During one visit to Aus I took an icepack to bed with me like a hot water bottle. It was awesome.
  • the food. Prawns as big as your fist (well, not quite, but damn close). Tropical fruits. Seafood to beat the band. I don't eat meat other than seafood, but I'm assured that their dead beasts are delicious. And when they ferment grapes, they do a damn good job of it.
  • the non-deadly wildlife, which is startling in its variety, colour and everydayness. The deadly wildlife I will ignore, since if I think about it too much I get edgy.
  • the size and energy of the cities. I liked Melbourne the best; Sydney is pretty great, too, although I found it quite intimidating. I love that Canberra is the only city I've ever been in that's shy. I was standing in the middle of it, still trying to figure out where it was. They've hidden the city amongst a bunch of hills and trees, and the main roads wind through these hills and trees and you only get occasional glimpses of anything resembling an actual city. Until you climb one green and lush hill, and realise you're standing on the roof of their parliament building. They're a crazy funny people.
  • The Cat Empire.
There are plenty more things about Australia that are great. *sending love and cold, wet thoughts*

Due South
I remember, when I was in primary school, catching part of Burning Down the House (the first ep of season 3, where they introduce a whole new Ray) when it aired for the first time (I think). I had no fuckin' idea what the hell was going on. I could not understand why anyone would watch this bizarre, incomprehensible programme. Then, while I was in Scotland a couple of years ago, I was working part-time and on occasion would be at home during the day, and thus accidentally caught some episodes, and got completely hooked. So hooked, in fact, that I even bought Paul Gross's album, Two Houses. I feel monumental shame and squee, simultaneously, over that.

Once I got home from Scotland, I found seasons 1 and 2 at random in a DVD shop, bought them pretty much for nostalgic purposes, and have simply not looked back. I love the show like crazy. I love its hilarity and its heart, the way it doesn't take itself too seriously, and the way it doesn't shy away from giving the message it wants to. I love that Fraser is awesome and yet the show still lets him look like a complete dork from time to time, and that RayV is both a dork, an everyman, and a hero in his own way. I love that there are lots of little storylines and themes and riffs going on all the time, and that that doesn't distract from pratfalls and full-on comedy. I found fandom purely because I was scouring the internet trying to get hold of seasons 3 and 4 in a format that will play on my laptop (a mission I have yet to succeed in), and since then... well, life has been more colourful and funny and full of porn :)

Having a Hetero Life Partner
This nickname was invented by the Ideal Woman (who doesn't know that that's her secret internet identifier ;) The Het Life Part and I have been best friends for more than half our lives. We know each other backwards and forwards. She knows me better than anyone in the world. She's the person I'm most honest with -- and the only person who forces me to be honest. She's the only person I could spend a whole day with, without getting awkward or bored or wanting private time. She knows my fears and hopes, and my talents and failures. In many ways this is a reason I don't slash Fraser and Vecchio (except when I accidentally do): I am intimately familiar with the concept of having a platonic friend who has your heart.

Heeeee. A year ago, I never would've thought it. Yet here I am, slashing away to my heart's content. I've always considered myself a writer, although I hadn't written fiction in years (before fandom) except for bits and pieces here and there, and nothing I would let anyone else see even under pain of torture. Fandom has provided more creative impetus and inspiration than I could ever have guessed, not to mention all its other merits, too numerous to list here, but including glee and excitement and giggling and HOTNESS. I love reading the slash and gen out there, and I am seriously and hopelessly in love with podfic. Due South is my primary fandom, aside from slashing Biggles (as if he needs my help) in a meta kind of way. I do love watching other tv and movies with slash goggles on, though.

Speaking of which, I have a Biggles review to post, and then I'm supposed to be buckling down to my ficfinishing fic. Words... come here to me, words...

due south, biggles on my mind, fandom

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