What It Means To Always Have To Compromise (2/2)

Jun 08, 2010 15:57

Title: What It Means To Always Have To Compromise (2/2)
Author: prsweetie915
Pairing: Mark/Callie
Rating: R
Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.

Summary: This is a different version of the post break-up fight between Callie and Arizona. Set before the shooting started….

Callie opened her eyes and felt the sun soaked wind touch her face. She looked up towards the miles of beaches and she couldn’t help but smile. At further inspection, she knew she was in Mexico, a few miles away from where her father used to take her when she learned to ride horses and sing songs in Spanish as loud as she wanted. She walked barefoot down to the water and looked down to get a glimpse of herself. The red maxi dress complemented her tan skin and her long hair was straightened down her back. Her make up was minimal and for the first time in a long time, she felt like herself.

She sat down on the beach and let the water surround her like a blanket. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to breathe everything in. Her mind wandered to all the love and loss that she had known in her life. She felt the presence of knowing that something had changed, even if she didn’t know exactly what it was. She felt a shiver run down her spine and she felt the presence surround her without even opening her eyes.

“I’m dead, aren’t I?” She kept her eyes closed and she felt him sit down next to her.

“Do you want to be?” That kind and gentle voice brought a tear to her eye. She finally looked over and looked into George’s smiling face.

“I got shot. I got shot in the hospital after fighting with my ex-girlfriend. God, how pathetic can my life be?”

“She wasn’t meant to be your forever.”

“What does that even mean?” George shrugged as he laced his fingers with Callie’s. She felt a comfort that she hadn’t felt since they had been pronounced man and wife Elvis all those years ago.

“It means that Arizona and Lexie were just stepping stones until you and Mark finally figured out what was in front of the two of you.” Callie scoffed.

“You’ve been drinking up here O’Malley?” George laughed quietly. He moved a piece of stubborn hair from Callie’s eyes.

“You always deflect when your real emotions are on the line.” Callie turned back towards the water.

“It’s beautiful here.”

“You have a choice. You can stay here with me or you can go back. I know you think everything sucks now but the Callie I know never backed down from anything, why start now?” Callie leaned her head on George’s shoulder.

“I’m tired, George, I’m just so tired.”

“You’re scared Callie and I understand the fear but think about what your death will do to the people that love you.” Callie went to open her mouth but was quickly cut off by George.

“You have friends and family and people that love you, Callie. Yang cares in her own way, you, Shepard and Hunt bonded in the woods, and this will destroy Mark because he never got the chance to tell you how he really feels.”

“Are you telling me it’s going to take a bullet for my life to finally gain some perspective?”

“Life doesn’t always work according to plan, Callie, you know that.” Callie nodded and then looked over at her ex-husband.

“I miss you.”

“I’m not far. I’ve been watching you, watching all of you. I know and see everything.”

“Do you ever regret saving that woman’s life?” George looked out into the ocean before he spoke.

“No. I wasn’t happy in Seattle, haven’t been in a long time. I’m with my dad now and I finally feel at peace.”

“I want to feel that kind of peace George.” George stood up and offered Callie his hand.

“Like I said before, you have a choice. You can stay here with me or you can follow your destiny out there. Either way, it’s up to you.” Callie stood rooted to the sand for a few minutes before she tearfully kissed George on the cheek.


“Torres, I’m not playing with you. Open your eyes now, damn it!!!” Callie could hear the buzzing of the machines in the background and the distinct voice of Christina Yang. She fluttered her eyes open but looked up ahead at the ceiling.

“George.” Christina and Owen glanced at each other before breathing a sigh of relief. Christina ran to Callie’s side and grabbed her hand.

“Callie, look at me. I need you to tell me what you remember.” Callie’s eyes flooded with tears before she spoke.

“I was on a beach with George. He looked amazing. He told me I had a choice.” Christina looked at Owen again.

“Do you think we should run another CAT scan?”

“No, she’ll be fine.” Meredith said as she walked into the room. Meredith knew exactly what Callie was going through. After all when she drowned, she saw Denny.

A few hours later and Callie could finally talk. The bullet had gone through her abdomen. When she collapsed, she hit her head on the floor. She listened as Christina told her about the events of the day, Derek getting shot, Owen getting shot, Alex getting shot Christina saving Derek’s life, the death of the Mercy West doctors, and Meredith suffering a miscarriage. It all seemed surreal but Callie knew anything was possible at Seattle Grace.

“He hasn’t left, you know?” Callie glanced up with confusion.

“Sloan. He heard the gunshots and ran after you. He saved your life.” Those four words sent Callie into a tailspin of emotions and before she could even register the tears running down her face, Christina pulled her into an uncharacteristic hug. When she pulled back, Christina had been crying.

“Arizona?’ The scowl appeared on Christina’s face before she could stop it.

“She left.”


“Apparently, Roller Skate Barbie couldn’t deal right now, so once she knew that you were alright, she left the hospital.” Callie waited for the sting in her heart but it never came. Christina patted her hand.

“Get some sleep Torres.” Callie nodded before shutting her eyes.

When she awoke again, she knew that she wasn’t alone.

“You’re allowed to give me one heart attack a lifetime Torres. I hope you know that you cashed that one in.” Callie heard Mark’s voice but opted to keep her mouth shut. That was until she heard the broken sigh and the audible sobs that came from the left side of her bed. She reached over and grabbed Mark’s hand in her own.

“Living without you is not an option for me Callie. Seeing you…seeing you on that floor, knowing that I could have lost you without telling you was torture for me.”

“Telling me what Mark?”

“You are and have always been my new leaf. So this is it. It’s me and you from here on out. No more searching for trees or lusting after interns. I could have lost you Callie. I was sitting in the waiting room and all I could think of was the future and you are the only one that completes that picture. I love you Callie, always have.” Callie went to open her mouth but was cut off by Mark.

“This is not up for debate Callie. I love you and you love me. I’m not going to let you runaway again.” Callie simply nodded while still squeezing Mark’s hand.

A year later, when she stood in front of the church with Georgia Madison Sloan in her arms and Mark by her side, she knew that all the compromises was finally worth it.

shipper: mark/callie, fanfic

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