Who Really Loves Who (1/2)

Feb 04, 2011 09:06

Title: Who Really Loves Who (1/2)

Author: prsweetie915
Pairing: Mark/Callie, Lexie, Arizona
Rating: R
Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.

Summary: Mark vs. Arizona, Lexie vs. Callie, Mark vs. Callie…..Who will win?

Mark woke up livid. He should be excited, on top of the world. He was finally getting a chance to be a father, and the best part was the woman who was having his baby was his best friend. If he wanted to be honest, Callie being the mother of his child excited him more than he ever could imagine. He thought those dreams of raven-haired, blue-eyed children died during the messy rectangle of young interns and perky peds surgeons. When he thinks of his family, he only sees Derek and Callie, which always disturbed him because he loved Lexie….right? When he told Lexie about the baby and she stormed out, he waited for his heart to ache and he was surprised when that didn’t happen. Instead his heart was being pulled to the apartment across the hall. The more he lay in bed, the angrier he got. There were some things that needed to be addressed once and for all.

Pulling on a pair of faded jeans and a black shirt, Mark glanced at the clock and was relieved to know that Callie would already be at work. It would make this conversation easier without having her stuck in the middle. Padding across the hall, he knocked loudly and felt his jaw tighten when Arizona opened the door.

“How long is this going to last?” Arizona widened her eyes briefly before she narrowed them. She knew this day was going to come, she just wasn’t expecting it to be so soon.

“Excuse me?” Mark barged in the apartment without asking and turned to face his unlikely nemesis with rage flowing from his eyes.

“You are a piece of work, Robbins, I will give you that. How dare you grab all of Callie’s things and bring them back here? You don’t own her and you don’t get to make any decisions after you fucking left her!!! And I really don’t give a damn that you came back all upset and crying because at the end of the day, I think you like the idea of controlling Callie more that you do love her and I will NOT allow you to hurt her anymore. So I want to know how long is this going to last? How long do you plan on sticking around until the next opportunity presents itself in some 3rd world country or you decided that you REALLY don’t want kids and you leave her AGAIN?” Arizona planted her feet on the wooden floor and narrowed her eyes.

“You don’t get to question my love for Calliope.”

“Actually I do because I am her best friend. I am the one that has to pick up the pieces when trash like you leaves her. I am the one that has to struggle with seeing the pain in her eyes, not you. You have no clue the damage you did when you left and you think just because she slept with me, that somehow makes you even. It doesn’t come close. Let me explain something to you; I was there before you and I will be here after you are long gone.”

“I have no intention of going anywhere. We are having a baby….” Mark growled and had to stop himself from shaking her.

“WE aren’t having shit. Callie and I are having a baby. Callie and I are this baby’s parents, not you. You are the girlfriend for now. You will have no rights to anything and how dare you weasel your way into something that has nothing to do with you.” Arizona stares at Mark with a smug expression on her face.

“Calliope seems to think differently. She wants me here. She wants this baby to be OURS. I’m sorry if you can’t except that Sloan, but it’s not going to change and furthermore, how dare you question me? You are the one with the reputation as a man whore who is currently chasing around a toddler. So how long will it be before this mid-life crisis ends and you decide that you really don’t want to be a dad?” Mark heard nothing after “she wants this baby to be ours”. Without even looking back, he stormed out of the apartment, hell bent on finding Callie and setting some thing straight.


The morning after spending the night with Arizona, Callie couldn’t get out of the apartment quick enough. She chalked it up to her hormones and not the fact that she wasn’t really excited about having Arizona back in her life. She replayed Arizona’s speech over and over in her head and the more she heard it, the less sweet it was becoming, but Callie told her that she wanted Arizona to be a part of her plans and she couldn’t back out now, could she? After all Arizona did come back so she had to love her and let’s face it, that’s all Callie ever wanted: someone to love her enough to stay. She was pulled from her thoughts with a cup under her nose.

“It’s herbal tea.” Callie raised an eyebrow at Cristina but offered a thank you anyway.

“Sucking up for Chief Resident? And how the hell do you know?” Cristina shrugged off the first question.

“Sloan told Shepard who told Mer but she already knew considering Lexie came to her crying last night. So I guess, congrats are in order and all that other shit.” Callie nodded her head but Cristina wasn’t buying it. “What’s with you? You have wanted a mini-human for years.”

“It’s just…everything is so complicated. Mark loves Lexie, Arizona loves me and Mark and I are going to be parents. It’s hard to be excited when everything seems like a big pile of shit.” Cristina narrowed her eyes.



“You said Arizona loves you, but you didn’t say you love Arizona.” Callie’s head snapped to attention.

“Of course I love her.”

“She left you.”

“She came back.”

“She’s borderline abusive and hides it behind her perky disposition.”

“She is not.” Cristina and Callie walked towards the nearest lounge.

“She flipped on Karev for sleeping with you years ago, she always hated Sloan, she didn’t want kids and then she left you at an airport only to come back and basically demand that you take her back.” Callie let Cristina’s words swirl around her head and had to shut her eyes to control her thoughts. “But enough about the blonde babysitter looks like you have bigger problems on your hands.” Callie looked up to see Lexie heading in her direction. Cristina lowered her voice before walking away.

“Be careful, you know the chick was once scalpel happy. Just remember the appendix.” Lexie stood in front of Callie and glared with all her might. It might have been more intimidating if it came from anyone else but Lexie. Callie sighed deeply as she heard Lexie follow her into the lounge.

“Is there something you want to explain to me?” Lexie’s condescending tone pissed Callie off and any chance of being nice to the young woman flew out the window.

“No not really.” Callie shook her head and placed some distance between her and Lexie, remembering Cristina’s warning.

“You are PREGNANT with Mark’s baby. How could you do this to me?”

“To YOU? What the hell did I do to you? You and Mark were not together. The two of you haven’t been a couple in long time because that was your choice remember? You are the one that has been playing hot and cold with Mark since the second you took off your clothes and begged him to teach you like some sick little school girl.” Lexie’s eyes begin to water.

“We were supposed to be friends.” Callie shook her head.

“No we weren’t. Mark and I are friends; I tolerated you because you were Mark’s girlfriend.”

“Well you made sure that was over, didn’t you?”

“What the hell are you getting at Grey?”

“I always knew you wanted Mark. I always knew you weren’t 100 percent gay. I tried to keep him from you but there you were, everywhere. I knew that you were going to be nothing but toxic for me and Mark and now you are pregnant with his baby. You win.”

“I didn’t know this was a competition. Mark never cheated on you, never even looked at another woman. I watched that man bend over backwards for you and it was never enough. He almost lost his brother because of you. You treated his daughter like shit and then had the nerve to make him choose. He was worried sick about you after the shooting and you still dismissed him because what? He didn’t fit into your 10 year plan. You are a selfish little brat Lexie and I hate to break it to you but just because you seem to revolve around Mark’s world, it doesn’t mean you revolve around everyone else’s.” Callie sighed and tried to steady her breathe because she knew stress wasn’t good for the baby.

“Look, I didn’t want to do this. I wanted to apologize to you and see what we could do to make this situation easier for everyone but obviously that is not going to work and let’s face it: I don’t’ owe you shit. I’m sorry that you are hurt, I’ve been where you are and it’s not pretty but the difference between you and I is Mark isn’t your husband, he isn’t even your boyfriend, he is just some guy that you seem to enjoy pulling around on a string.” Callie opened up the door and turned back towards a stunned Lexie. “Stay the hell away from me because baby or not, I will kick your ass.”

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