Title: In the Hands of...
Author: scifislasher
Relationship: Adam/Skull
Rating: G
Theme: Obsessive
Eugene Skullovitch stared at the empty suitcase lying open on his bed. He looked at the clock, then back at the suitcase again. He should be packing, he knew. Terra Venture was leaving tomorrow and it was a once in a lifetime opportunity; the chance to see space, see what was out there, new life and new civilisations and all that stuff. So why wasn’t he more excited? He should be; he and Bulk had spent the past couple of years with Professor Phenomenus anticipating this moment, when humanity finally took to the stars for real; and now… now the moment was here and all he felt was numb.
His gaze drifted to the CD lying half on, half off the nightstand: Tanya’s first album. Adam had brought it over last week, although whether he’d bought it because he and Tanya were friends or because he simply liked the music Skull didn’t know. He might have actually found out if it hadn’t been for the fight they’d had over Terra Venture. Well, you couldn’t really call it a fight, not scrappy enough to be called that, but it had ended with Adam walking out, silence following him like that stupid cloak he’d worn to piano practice back in high school.
And that, that right there, was the source of his apathy. Bulkie was going to Terra Venture. Adam wasn’t. Which one did he go with? His best friend, the person who’d always been around, the person who’d all but defined his life, or his… Skull sighed. He didn’t know what Adam was to him. A friend, kind of, he guessed. More than that maybe. He didn’t know when he’d started looking at Adam in a different way, maybe since that day in the park when Adam had been so wiped, or maybe the day he’d got that phone call after Astronema had all but levelled the city. Maybe sometime after that. But it didn’t matter, because it didn’t help. Who did he go with? Bulk or Adam? Go or stay?
Picking up his wallet (would he ever need this again?) Skull dug out a nickel and studied it. Alright, if he couldn’t decide himself, leave it to fate. Heads he’d pack and go to Terra Venture, tails he’d stay here. A practiced flip of the coin and he slammed his hand down over it before his eyes could take in which side it had landed. Taking a deep breath he slowly moved his hand and looked down. His gut clenched and his heart felt like it had just dropped into his boots.
Well, he thought, swallowing tightly past the sudden lump in his throat. That was it then. Terra Venture it was. With a grim determination he stood and flung open his tiny closet, dumping everything onto his bed. Time to pack.
When that was done, he stared at the now full suitcase, wondering if he’d even be able to get away with his usual style of clothes. Despite the veneer of respectability their time in the Junior Police had given them, not to mention their brief stint as private detectives, he’d never discarded the punk look that had sustained him throughout high school and he was pretty sure that studded collars and black leather jackets wouldn’t be the norm on a space colony. He had the sudden queasy feeling that he’d be expected to conform with everyone else’s ideas of how you should dress and frowned, feeling mutinous about the whole damn thing. He’d never liked anyone telling him what he should and shouldn’t wear.
Adam didn’t do that. He seemed to… approve of the rebellious streak that kept him from turning into one more sheep. Of course, it didn’t hurt that Adam could be a lot more subversive than he seemed.
Damn it, Adam again. Why couldn’t he just forget about him now that his decision was made? It wasn’t right that even when he wasn’t there Adam was, well, there.
Damn the man anyway. And if Adam wasn’t going to call or anything to see what he’d decided, well, that was fine, he didn’t care.
Swiping the clock off the nightstand Skull set the alarm on it, almost vicious as his fingers pushed and prodded at the sticky mechanism. Who cared about what Adam Park thought, anyway? He was going to see the universe, the hell with anyone who tried to get in his way.