World AIDS day 2007

Nov 30, 2007 08:32

So today is the day they have deemed world AIDS day. A day to sit, a day to ponder, a day to wonder...(a day to get tested?) I day I really forgot was coming up....but then again I forgot about thanksgiving too, and thats been around for a couple hundred years now....or so I seem to think.

This day which impacts my life greatly, in a year whence 20 years have passed knowing I carry this demon with me through life, where 23 years have passed since this 26 yr olds body has been bombarded by her own parasite that she contracted unknowingly by a necessary operation. But I have survived. I have endured. My internal organs may hate me (gotta love being one of the first kids(not adults) to get AZT!!! (go being a guinea pig for the govn't! HOOT!) :-)) for various reasons. Reasons I had no control over and reasons of which I did (EVERYONOE needs a few zillion drunken college nites) But I have survived the stigma, I have been able to make a keep good relationships with friends, boyfriends etc. I have endured the looks, the remarks, and let them fall off my back...I am a duck, water will not harm me.

But all this does not mean I do not feel. All this does not mean that I do not relish the fact that I AM ALIVE. I have survived this epidemic, like so many others will continue to do so. I have become one of the many to continue with life and not let some stupid little virus stop me I have traveled the world (sorta) I have endured more medical testing than anyone in there life should ever. (yeah wanna bet that I can describe a cat scan or MRI better than you and perhaps the differences? LOL common I need da money!!!)And had lots of fun at the same time (you can't say that rollar skating with an IV poll can't be fun man....seriously. Or wheel chair races with the most amazing volunteers I have ever met in my life. :-) peace to my love Omar. RIP)

I write this as experiance. I write this because I have survived and others too. People ask me how I do it. I just live. My drama is my drama and I do not let others drama affect me (although coming home to camp spooner last THAT was drama.....smokey and sweety got in a fight, rose had to break it up, then I had to get up and make sure the chaos was over.....ohhh how I miss my pack!!!) But aside from all that. I am a simple person. I lead a simple life. I love many people because I know how love can effect a life, how just a little love can change a life. And if there was no love I would be nothing.

Peace to all my friends who have gone from this know I miss you all and your beautifulness. Peace to all my friends now living with the virus. I will send you much love on this day. And peace to all the people in the world who are either too scared to get tested...or are....I really don't know, too scared to get tested. The day will come and so will knowladge so love to those who fear, love to those with ignorance. Because they are the ones who need it the most.
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