Car stuff (taken from myspace bulletin...)

Nov 25, 2007 18:16

Due to my current financial situation I find myself stuck in Ohio at the present moment. I did get my car to start however I am unable to afford a new battery at the present time. The jump seemed to do my car good, and therefore my car will continue to start(fingers crossed). Again however I do not think it is possible to get from Ohio to VA on aprox $20. So Liz is now taking donations. Liz will cook you dinner, Liz will clean your house, Liz will walk your pets, Liz will watch your children. Liz will basically do about anything to aquire the needed funds necessary to deem returning to her homeland of VA/fredvegas/DC/CITY possible! Yes Liz is getting tired of the country. Ummm sooo yeah. If you would like to give liz a donation or just loving support please reply, either that or go screw your mamma.
P.S. If you know any good remidies a random house might have for sore throat/fluey symptoms please let me know! Thanks! Love you all!
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