After an agonizing five days in the hospital I'm back home and couldn't be happier! I missed my dog even more than I thought, I cried when I finally got home and saw her, yes I'm a sap and she licked my face all over. :)
The surgery went well. I got an epidural before hand and I have a new respect for women who get them before childbirth, I nearly puked. It's certainly not the most fun thing in the world. I woke up from the anastesia in tears from the pain, apparently they didn't plan it quite right and I didn't get pain medication through the epidural until 45 minutes AFTER I woke up. I barely remember it, I just remember being in tears but not being able to cry because it hurt so bad, don't remember much of the first night either thanks to the drugs. A few of the nurses SUCKED but thankfully more of them were wonderful. I wasn't able to even roll over for two days, it took four days for me to be able to get out of bed and walk, that was awful. Only being able to sit there and watch tv is not how I ever want to be again, I tried reading but just kept falling asleep with the book in my hand, again thanks to the drugs. It was horrible not being able to even get up to go to the bathroom (catheters SUCK and I hope never to have to need one again) or to even bathe myself. Katie, bless her heart, washed my hair and braided it once she got back from Disneyland. I got a cute fuzzy bunny while I was there thanks to my friend Sean, who surprised me with a visit. I have a tube coming out of my back attached to a bag which I will have to carry around with me for four to six weeks, I knew that was going to be the case but it's not really easy to hide a bag full of urine lol, I have a great cockblock for the time being. I'm still in a bit of pain, well duh I will be for a while but the vicodin helps, pretty much by making me sleepy and therefor making me get plenty of rest.
I'm so happy this is over with and I can hopefully live better in the future. For those who want to see the wound I've attached a picture, but I don't recommend it for people who get queasy about that kind of stuff. The staples are still in, I should be getting them removed Monday or Tuesday and then I will post another picture of the current scar. It wasn't the most enjoyable experience but I certainly didn't expect it to be. I'm proud of myself for getting through it all and moving forward. Hope all is well with everybody. Lola and I are very happy now!