Title: Tradition Fandom: One Piece Character/Pairing: Robin/Nami, (attempted) Sanji/Nami & Sanji/Robin Rating: PG-13/R Word Count: ~2000 Notes: Originally written for vilani in a Secret Santa exchange for the RP community mallowmateys (the fic itself is not mallowmateys-based, though). I am really starting to fall in love with writing for One Piece. :D
Title: Roughing It Fandom: Bleach Character/Pairing: Yoruichi/Soi Fong Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 225 Notes: Request ficlet written for longleggedgit with the prompt "Yoruichi/Soi Fong; sleeping bag."
Title: It Just Adds Up Fandom: Bleach Character/Pairing: Tatsuki/Orihime Rating: G Word Count: 207 Notes: Request ficlet written for kat_nano with the prompt "Tatsuki/Orihime; math".
Title: Pillow Fandom: Mahou Sensei Negima Character/Pairing: Konoka/Setsuna Rating: G Word Count: 87 Notes: Request ficlet written for the_firefly with the prompt "Konoka/Setsuna; tease".
Title: Coming Clean Fandom: Bleach Character/Pairing: Orihime/Tatsuki Rating: hard R for sexual content Word Count: ~1700 Notes: Written to fulfill esotaria 's request for bleach_yurithon.
Title: Lessons Fandom: Suikoden V Character/Pairing: Lucretia/Lelei Rating: R Word Count: 229 Notes: Playing Suikoden V has totally gotten me fired up about the series again. And I love these two together.
Title: Practice Fandom: Inuyasha Character/Pairing: Kagome/Sango, implied Kagome/Inuyasha & Miroku/Sango Rating: PG Word Count: 200 Notes: Originally written for iyfic_challenge's "Secret" theme.
Title: Her Mask Fandom: Inuyasha Character/Pairing: Tsubaki/Kikyou Rating: PG Word Count: ~1800 Notes: Originally written to fulfill shiinabambi's request in fic_on_demand.