Memo 005: Pods

Oct 26, 2011 00:30

(After her conversations with Miss Ethelbert and the Captain, as well as her observations around town and the neighborhood, Miss Pauling quickly hurries back home and heads straight for the phone.)

Phone (filtered to the TF2 crew only)
Miss Pauling speaking here. This is urgent, are any of you around?

Action: around town with the BLU Medic
(It's not very often that you'll find the two of them together. But for today, it seems that Miss Pauling and the BLU Medic seem to be searching for something, or maybe even someone. With the Medic's track record though, it's probably one of the semi-droned people around Mayfield. Approach them at your own risk, especially if you've been podded.)

Action: Later, around town.
(She's heard that the RED Engineer isn't acting himself. That's good enough reason for her to start looking at those mysterious pods that have popped up all over town. She's about to rip one apart at this very moment. Did she rescue someone? Was it you? Or maybe you're just watching her, and you want to help her out?)

blu medic, action, teamfortress2, mayfield, event, pods, town, phone

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