"glory always makes the blood of women flow."

Nov 20, 2008 18:28

I generally don't like ranting about things I dislike (because ranting about things I like is just so much more fun). But. Unconditional Supernatural love just sets me off.

This site is wondering if Supernatural is as good as Buffy. And, um, no? A world of no, even. How can anyone even compare something as misogynistic and sexist as Supernatural ( Read more... )

women in refrigerators, supernatural, buffy, fiction, meta

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ixat_totep November 21 2008, 20:13:29 UTC
I recently encountered this show (I mean, I'd heard about it for years, but never paid attention until now). And yeah, it did seem pretty heavy on the "let's kill girls to motivate men". And yes, I pick "girls" and "men" instead of "women" or "boys" on purpose.

Spike veered in the direction of Mary Sue as he became less of a proper character and more of a vehicle for the fulfillment of fan fantasies. It didn't really occur to me until now, but why the hell wasn't Lilah used in Season 5? She was a character who had started becoming more interesting, and the fact that she was dead was certainly no barrier to her appearance at Wolfram and Hart. Instead we had to endure Eve.

As for Cordelia, while I hate what was done with her in Season 4 and her absence from Season 5, I think it really did have more to do with her pregnancy and desire to be with her newborn child than Whedon really wanting to write her out. But it was rather horrible that she spent an entire season basically being a victim, especially given that she'd probably come farther as a character than any of the other major characters from Buffy's first season. Her final appearance somewhat made up for this, but really, it all kinda sucked.


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