Dec 04, 2005 17:52
hey guys
here's the deal see... i have spring break from feb 25th to march 5th... i need to decide pretty soon if i'm gonna fly home or not... so if you have that same week, lemme know... or if not, i was just gonna drive around and see all you guys' schools. I think that'd be fun. But otherwise, I'd be going home with some friends here. So lemme know!
anyways, they really make you work hard for a break... i'll tell you that much... these next 2 weeks are gonna be HORRENDOUSSSSSS!!! i got a chem mid term tuesday, 10 days later a chem test, before that a math test, after that an engineering test, before all that a paper due and an engineering assignment do, before alllll that i have chemistry due and i have to register for classes... ahh!! but it'll be all worth it come that vacation, let me tell you...
We have like 2 inches of snow on the ground, it's pretty sweet, but its not really snow ball snow... but we'll make do. its been snowing alot and is supposed to snow more this tuesday, its ridiculously cold, especially with the winds that blow you off your feet.
So i bought another jeep for 650 bucks... same color, same interior... basically the same as butch just 2 years newer... funny thing is is that butch is in wayyyy better shape... i basically bought it for the transmission, and i was gonna decide which jeep i should fix with the other one cause between the two jeeps i have one really sweet jeep. But i called my dad yesterday and i guess my uncle looked at the new one and said that it wasn't worth fixing cause the floor was all rusted.... butch's floor was all rusted too, but i already fixed that. So now come x-mas vaca, i'm gonna tear this new jeep apart and keep anything that i want to keep and then dump that at the junk yard. Then i'm gonna bring in butch and fix it like no one's business.... what sucks is that in the mean time i get to drive my grandmother's buick...
so i got a 59% on my math test....
funny thing is... that's a B!
the scale was insaneee i guess like the average was something in the 40's and it was wayyyy too long and like impossible to finish... hazzahh!!
well anyways, i got to really study for this chem test cause out of the 4 chapters i'm being tested on i know about one...
take it easy guys
hey, when you're already doing what you want to do for a living... its hard to get motivated...