Merlin Ramble + Icons for Disney2020

Nov 13, 2010 23:32

...I changed my layout again.

:D :D So I started the third season of Merlin, and thanks to a wager made with my little brothers (which I won handily), we watched the first four episodes yesterday. :D I was all full of fangirling and squeeing. Although, I am pleased to report that I was not the one to yell, 'there he is!' the first time Gawain appeared on-screen (I'm not spelling it Gwaine. That's ridiculous.) My little apathetic brother actually had that honour. I was so pleased because it's so hard to get him excited about things, and most of the time I don't think he understands my King Arthur obsession. But the fact remains that he has read some of The Squire's Tales and everyone who has read The Squire's Tales loves Gawain. It's a fact, I tell you! Anywho, on a less fangirly note, Gawain is my favourite knight (unless Arthur counts, but he's the king, so let's say he doesn't so Gawain can be my favourite something) and I really liked how they did him in the show. (Gawain is just the best. Like, don't talk to me about Lancelot or Galahad or Tristan (dork) or anyone. Gawain owns them all!) He was practically perfect - I only wish he'd had red hair. But meh, I can live with him the way he is. ;) And further being impressed with my little brothers: after we watched all 4 eps, they all said their favourite was Gwaine. And here I was thinking, 'well they're boys, of course they'll pick Goblin's Gold.' :| Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Two other *very* minor things: Why does Lancelot get to know Merlin's secret and Gawain doesn't? *pouts* I feel like that gives Lancelot a point that Gawain does not have and I don't like that very much on account of Gawain is my favouritey favourite, and Lance is emphatically not. I was also hoping Gawain and Morgana would have some excuse to bicker (once again because of The Squire's Tales. *facepalm* I fail.) but alas. On the other hand... I don't think Gawain would like evil!Morgana anyway. (That of course, brings up evil!Morgana, but we'll save that ramble for when I've seen a few more episodes of S3 and have formed a solid opinion of her. So far I don't mind her. So far. *ominous voice* We shall see.)

Also, I feel the need to say that I blame my being entirely spoiled for this season on missadventure02 for telling me Gawain was showing up, thereby causing me to devour spoilers like... a dragon devours... sheep...? *ahem* Possibly (probably) some of the blame also goes to sgmajorshipper for squeeing and posting irresistible links to things like trailers and everything to do with Arthur/Gwen. (Not that I'm not enjoying being spoiled, or anything. I just thought I'd mention it, you know. ;) )

Hmm, I think I need a tag for rambles.

Oop, almost forgot: BAHAHAHA!!!! POISON IN EPISODE 3!!!! Merlin needs to find a new way to save the day. It's all illegal magic and poisoning people he actually likes with him.

Coming soon to a journal near you: Gwaine icons galore!! *flails* :D


This is my first 20in20 or icontest of any kind, so yeah. I claimed Pocahontas which is one of my favourite movies to icon, and I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. However: 'ware the overload of pink. I swear I didn't use the same colouring on all the pink ones but it certainly looks that way. It was getting to be too much pink even for me, and I'm the princessy kind of girl who loves pink.

For disney2020 :



negative space
replaced background
foreign language




artist's choice 1
artist's choice 2
artist's choice 3
artist's choice 4
artist's choice 5

*If I spelled wingapo wrong and you know the correct spelling, do tell!

Alternates and stuff:

Anyone may use with credit!
Comments are love!
Don't claim as your own/hotlink.

#disney2020, disney: pocahontas, tv: merlin, *graphics: icons, !ramble

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