♫ even if the sun refused to shine

Feb 09, 2010 16:12


I have more energy than I know what to do with now. Let me rant about my day. ♥

Today was amazing, I don't even know where to begin. Actually, I might. My mornings are excellent lately, especially since my first two classes of the day are my music classes which are both so much fun. Dance has us learning more and we're going to start choreographing some lyricals soon. Admittedly, R&B and Hip-Hop music is more fitting to my lifestyle, but I can appreciate a good lyrical. Now let's see if I can tone down my unabashed energy in the mornings into something graceful, hm? I found out that I don't have any grace unless I'm on the ice, though. Ahaha.

And then? Ohoho, then it was the highlight of my day in Choir. As a fundraiser, we're doing Valentine grams where members of Choir who volunteered will get to go around during 4th period and sing love songs to the unsuspecting. ♥ We were reviewing some of the performances today and it was just... haaa, I love that class! Two of the Junior guys (I think they were Juniors? Maybe Senior.) were singing a mix of "Stand by Me" and "Beautiful Girls", while one of them played it on the guitar. And the entire class got into it, clapping along to the beat and just generally having a good time. I swear, I had the goofiest smile on my face the entire time because it was just so cute. One of those ideal moments where as soon as I think about it, I break out into giggles and smiles.

After that... um. I guess my school day was okay. Attended the meeting for World History AP candidates and it looks like I have lots of work set up for me. Though I guess I shouldn't be particularly surprised, since it's the only AP class available for sophomores. There'll be a lot of work... but I want to try it! I'm determined.

In genearl, my outlook is wonderful lately! I'm so brimming with confidence, though I sometimes worry that I'm over-confident and therefore... pompous. Ahhh, I hope not. But besides that worry, I'm so... ridiculously content with life. Admittedly Shota and I aren't talking yet, and I know I still have my fair share of problems (like being so socially dysfunctional, hnnn) but... I don't know. Despite all that, I'm optimistic and happy and... Just enjoying life for what it is. ♥

Now pondering if I should go and buy chocolates for people. I know I'm writing a Valentines Ren/Jeanne fic for Laura, and... I don't know past that. Hm!
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