totally random

Feb 07, 2010 12:13

So, on the topic of anontalk. Sometimes I just find myself with nothing to do and think "... eh, sure. I'll look at what's up in the RP gossip world". I've seen maybe... 6 threads on Vatheon/mentioning Vatheon? I feel warm and bubbly on the inside.

A fair amount of it is praise. A fair amount of it is apathy. But anon still wishes us luck and... I'm happy! But some anons look like they're a little tentative, and that concerns me. I really want to just post "Oh anon, don't you worry about a thing! I'm sure everything will turn out okay. We're all pretty laid back, as far as I'm aware? It'll work out! Don't sweat it."

... I'm such a dork. I'm having one of those airheaded moments where I only want the best for everything and everyone and want to soothe everyone's fears and... that must get SO. ANNOYING. Ugh, nonetheless. I am excited for this game like you wouldn't believe. Kat! Squish! I repeat, if you want anything from me, let me know, yeah? I think the name is out there enough, but I'm at your guys's disposal if you need me to do anything. says:
The servant sees the Lady off to bed. It's how it goes~
Dana says:
Not if the Lady is perfectly capable of deciding for herself when she wishes to sleep. says:
Ah, but is she? That is always the question~
Dana says:
She is, actually. And rather adamantly, at that. says:
Oh? So she thinks. But what she think may not be what is true.
Dana says:
Who is the servant to be so sure of what is best for his Lady, when she quite clearly disagrees? says:
Only the servant watching out for his Lady's best interests would only ever venture to give his own opinion~
Dana says:
As true as that may be, the Lady does not recall giving the servant permission to make her decisions. says:
Rarely will any Lady do so, I would imagine, though it might be in her best interests.
Dana says:
Oh? But isn't that yet another opinion coming from the servant? says:
Is it more reliable to ask the Lady, who clearly has already reached a conclusion?
Dana says:
If the Lady had come to reach a conclusion, that must signify that she's thought out her options and weighed them carefully. Or do you doubt the Lady's ability to think for herself? says:
Rarely would a servant say such a thing~ And yet, at times, perhaps, the Lady is blinded by other thoughts, and is unable to clearly see the fault in her decision.
Dana says:
Ah, but when it comes to the fault, wouldn't the matter of its existence be varied upon who you ask between the servant and the Lady? says:
Ah, indeed. For does not existence in one's mind depend entirely on what one can see to exist~?
Dana says:
Precisely. In which case, should the Lady be trusted to be able to come to terms with faults- her own or otherwise- should we not trust the Lady? says:
Ah, but she could only come to terms with such faults if she could see them enough to determine their existence~
Dana says:
So you are suggesting that the Lady is unable to see these faults, and thus her logic is flawed? ... my, what a curious situation you've suggested, Break~ says:
Hm~ A curious situation indeed, my Lady Sharon~
Dana says:
.... did we just RP Break and Sharon ICly in first person, while they were talking in third person? says:
....... says:
Yes, I think so.

... so I think I was telling Cal to go to sleep and it somehow morphed into something IC. This was meant to be up forever ago since it was like... right after New Year's? But yeah. ♥ Ilu, tag-team partner.
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