Ummm... Ew.

Jul 03, 2008 21:44

As posted on MySpace:

So I went outside for a smoke, and was having a nice, relaxing moment to myself and look up to see my neighbor's naked ass bending over in front of the window.

Now, this is the neighbor that one of my other neighbors (a saucy old lady of about 75) said she thought saw pleasuring himself in front of the window a few weeks ago.  She was a bit unsure if the dude was that much of a freak, but it turns out that he is.

Not only did the guy have his blinds open, but they were raised just so everyone and their mother could see him from the next down.

And what was he doing? those of you among the morbidly curious might ask.

Lifting weights.
In front of his open window!!

Now, I'm not sure if this is as bad as Ugly Naked Guy, as he was kind enough to not make the world put a face with the penis, but is it really necessary to show your special bits to the world??

Remember, people... I live right across the Ohio River from Kentucky!!!

Some things should just be kept private.
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