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1/? doujin_dork May 4 2009, 04:27:41 UTC
Proto-kun is writing a letter to his father?


No seriousl, I have no idea how long this could go on. doujin_dork May 4 2009, 04:29:22 UTC
Ano, Obito-san isn't that bad, really.


It's very possible that this could go on for days. doujin_dork May 4 2009, 04:35:39 UTC
And I think his poems are pretty good.


Maybe even a month or two. doujin_dork May 4 2009, 04:37:18 UTC
Eh? 'try to off him'? But doesn't that mean you want to-


See? That was a while between. doujin_dork May 4 2009, 05:50:10 UTC
E-Eh?! Eto, I'm sure that Proto-kun doesn't mean it in that way!


Wanna know why? doujin_dork May 4 2009, 05:51:07 UTC
Polite and loans pencils-


WELL YOU CAN'T. doujin_dork May 4 2009, 05:51:49 UTC
Proto-kun wishes to kidnap me?!


Just kidding. It was because of omeletes. doujin_dork May 4 2009, 05:53:45 UTC
And what is this about a takeover?!


How weird is that for so late at night? doujin_dork May 4 2009, 05:54:59 UTC
Proto-kun I find this behavior very unsuitable! It could be dangerous for Proto-kun!


Well, anyway, here comes the stupid dramatic reveal. doujin_dork May 4 2009, 05:56:45 UTC
But if that's what Proto-kun's family is like, and what would be good for him . . .


11/11-Done! doujin_dork May 4 2009, 05:58:31 UTC
Then I shall come quietly with Proto-kun so long as he promises not to hurt anyone or take anything over!


Yeah, 'cause that only took FOREVER proto_typing May 4 2009, 06:02:32 UTC
...What? What?! No! Are you crazy?! You can't come quietly! Did you miss the whole point of getting kidnapped?!


...Okay, look, lemme spell this out: that means it's supposed to be against your will.


I GOT ABDUCTED FOR OMELETES, DAMNIT! doujin_dork May 4 2009, 06:09:17 UTC
Well, I suppose if Proto-kun wants me to go with him against my will, I could do that . . .


Okay I see how it is the omelettes are CLEARLY more important than, y'know, Proto's future. Sure. proto_typing May 4 2009, 06:12:32 UTC
Look, just--if you really want to make me happy, just stand there and wait so I can abduct you. And scream a lot, too. Oh, yeah, and struggle, like you're trying to get away.


Look. Is Proto's future filled with cheese? I don't think so. I made the right decision. doujin_dork May 4 2009, 08:06:24 UTC
Oh! I can definitely do that.

But- you won't hurt anyone else or anything like that, right?


It is filled with cheese and whine. And lots of bad puns, also. proto_typing May 4 2009, 14:41:10 UTC
Depends on if they get in my way. No way I'm gonna start being nice now, just when I'm finally getting to put an evil plan into action!


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