(no subject)

Apr 25, 2009 22:33

I love our canon so much

Sisky loves William!

Brendon believes he can fly!

His little feet!


Playing the icon meme again; littlerhymes chose:

Ro chose this so I'd have to talk about TAI, heh. So I will.

First, let me take you back two years ago. On hearing the TAI cover of Mayonaise, Ro's response was The TAI cover is halfway between hurting me badly and making me want to cry with how much I love the song. Her own words, people. Then we both saw TAI play at the Roundhouse in Sydney, and we mocked fangirls and their ridiculous reactions to the mere sight of William Beckett. Fast forward a few more months, and I read some Idolator article about Butcher wanting us to stop writing slash fic about them (or along those lines). The contrarian in me immediately wanted more TAI fic. Preferably involving The Butcher (sorry dude...no wait I'm not), Sisky, and/or Michael Guy Chislett. At that time, this DID NOT EXIST. I was sad. :(

But luckily, I have a partner in fannish crime who has now written not one, not two, but THREE awesome fics which feature either MGC (our favourite Aussie bandom boy) or Sisky and Butcher being boyfriends. And with every new piece of canon they give us, whether it's Butcher's blogs, or in pictures like the one this icon came from, I just get a bit more OTP OTP OTP about them.

I blame Bill Beckett. Sometime last year, he came up and said hi and shook our hands even when he didn't have to, and by some strange contact spell he seems to have made me fall a teensy bit in love with him and his ridiculous band.

I am probably misuing this in context of the episode, but I really like the colours of it, and Lisa's blissed out tree-hugging expression, so I use it pretty much the same way I would use *hugs*.

My girlcrush on Mandy Moore continues. She looks so happy and pretty in this icon, so it's joy in what she's expressing, and my joy at looking at it.

One of oldest icons; I think I had it even in my sqeakyclean days. Anyway, Draco and the Malfoys were one of the most fascinating parts of the Harry Potter universe for me, and looking back I wrote a fair bit of fic trying to figure out the dynamics of Draco's relationship with his parents, and their background; more than I ever did with Harry anyway. The S in the corner is S for Slytherin, S for SQ.

Spencer looks badass in this pic. Oh yeah, the first time I saw these pics I remember saying it made me want D/s fic so badly. And it still does.

Apropos of nothing, I was indulging in some musical nostalgia today and found myself watching the video for Ben Folds Five's Kate. All bands should have slashy videos of themselves naked in bed, cuddling, as if post-band orgy.

memes, music, tai, patd

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