(no subject)

Oct 20, 2008 00:31

Since I am devoid of all other content, have some pretty pictures:

(click through for larger versions)

Let's start with Brendon (it's a very good place to start). :)

I do this EXACT SAME THING. It is much much more adorable on him than me, somehow.

I appreciate his dedication to the dorkish glasses.


and here:

which is from this adorable video. Ryan barely acknowledges the presence of a camera by looking at Brendon most of the time, while Brendon tries to stare the camera down. Brendon pulls many faces. Ryan looks like he's on his way to a wedding (he's so very pretty with the mauve silk tie). The little exchange about OK Go is my favourite bit! Whose indie because of what? :D

Speaking of adorable, I have never seen this before - Ryan Ross and an emu. It's hard to tell who is more bemused in this picture.

And lastly, I appreciate this band's dedication to group sex:

I have no segue into this. Just...how much does Pete look like the proud, patient boyfriend of Mikey Way in this picture? tinhat on!

And I want pics from this photoshoot. They all look so good, and grown-up. I am so excited for the new album :D

One amazing picture (incidentally of Cobra Starship, but honestly, it's just beautifully composed and coloured)

And finally, some TAI:

Sisky contemplates nature

They cool off in a swanky pool

and indulge SQ's love of boys playing instruments:

fob, cs, mcr, instrumentpr0n, pics, tai, patd

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