(no subject)

Oct 08, 2008 23:45

So, littlerhymes told me to watch the latest Entourage with a restrained urgency that let me know there might be something worth watching for.

"Everyone must know that E makes Vince good."


I was so conflicted about this episode. On one hand, drug induced hilarity! On the other hand, so much embarrassment squick at drug induced "hilarity".

But oh, the Vince/E (they have something special!) and a little bit of Vince/Ari, and a little bit more of E/Ari (if you squint...and I do). Plus Lloyd, who is such a sweetheart to Ari.

("How could you, with twenty five men frolicking naked in our pool?" HA!)

I don't know how I feel about the cliffhanger ending from last ep just being swept by like that. How did E come to his decision? Was it a tough choice, knowing that he was doing Vince's career a disservice? Or did Vince just shrug and tell him that he's gotta do what's best for his career, because he loves E and is willing to make his own sacrifices to repay the loyalty that E has shown? Do they have angsty sex to solve all this? (Ah, in my head there would be.)

...I am so gonna end up asking for Entourage for Yuletide, aren't I?

tv, entourage

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