Sep 23, 2003 07:12
heyy guys, long time ehh? i just wanted to let everybody know i got a greatestjournal and it's addicting, so if you have moved over there add me!!! lol and i'ma start updating soon. holla @ the kid! <3
Sep 09, 2003 22:05
sorry but i'm done. i don't read lj's or comment or update at all barely so what's the point in staying? if you wanna keep in touch holla at me on aim at mtownslilsedjo9, eshizzle9, or ryryslilemmy9 and my email address is i hate to do this, but PEACE
Aug 22, 2003 01:34
comment to be added & i'll most likely add you back. do NOT add me first or i will probably more then likely ask you to remove me. & drama is NOT wanted here, so take you're lil 2nd grade fights somewhere else. k thanks<3