long blog city

Apr 18, 2008 20:52

Today over all has been a good day, I goofed off at work for a few hours and went to lunch and some girl TOTALLY checked me out the whole time, even smiled at me. That was pretty nice. But I wish I had some kind of sign over my head saying UNAVALIBLE or something. I had a meeting with michael vargo this morning about being IT in his  company, and I think that went pretty well and I hope that they want to give me a job for massive dough, that would be epic win! Its pretty awesome. I only have 3 days at VZW left and I'm kind of scared that its all coming to an end I'm fairly comfortable there but I feel things are looking up for me these days and I need to move forward. I had a weird conversation with melanie last night and I'm starting to feel like it wasn't a good idea to tell derek about her and mike, and the list, and that whole mess. I wish that my feelings on the issue were more clear. I don't know who's side I'm on, if any. As far as Danielle and I, I wish I could have that feeling all the time not just semi-randomly. She makes me feel really awesome but really lame others, and I know most of the lame feeling is mainly me making myself feel lame, but its weird and complicated. But these semi- random realizations of my incredibly deep and complicated feelings are starting to get old and I wish I could just "get it" and be like that all the time. I really don't want to go back to verizon and hang out for another 4 hours, but they are paying me for essentially nothing. I'm just so sick of that place. I think I'm going to post this on all of my blogs not just my top-secret LJ I have not posted anything anywhere for a while and I think writing all this out is good for me.

I NEED to get an mp3 copy of the American Football, cap'n jazz, the owls, and all the other Kinsella Bros music. Their stuff is pretty much some of the best music I've ever heared. I need to see if I can get in touch with deanna as I haven't spoken to her in eons and she is probably the foremost authority on kinsella music on the planet. Too bad she hates me and never talks to me anymore.

I should have headed back inside to finish my shift, but I'm gonna have one more smoke before I do.

I've always wanted to say this, so

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