Jan 05, 2010 19:11
I suddenly realized this afternoon that my right shin area was no longer feeling like something had strained (as in 'almost-sprained') in last Friday's long run. This is incredibly strange to me since the discomfort--and subsequent internal questioning (am I injured? did I push it too far? you knew better, why did you do that? is this what shin splints feel like?) --ceased so rapidly. At 9am I feel it walking to get coffee, at 10am performing the same task, no matter how I contort, I cannot acheive the same discomfort.
Fucking woot!
This should be understood as my primary fear (death excepted in it's Rank-ian/Becke-rish sense) until February whatever-it-is: Injury and/or illness that would prevent running 26.2 miles. I'm quite relieved, even if perplexed. I am celebrating by NOT training for a FOURTH day (crazy!) just to be safe and drinking an entire bottle of wine which, frankly, has had it coming for quite a while now. (do NOT pity it!)
In a completely unrelated turn-of-events, I was frikkin' TOTALLY ripped off this morning by a cabbie. Missing the bus, I determined that I just couldn't wait to get to work (actually, it was like 30 degrees and to hell with waiting in the cold for the next one!) and ended up w/ "GATOR CITY TAXI." Long story short, 11.9 miles later I had a fare that was closer to what one would pay for about a 19 mile trip. The company's dispatchers aren't exactly helpful and their manager's hadn't returned my calls by close of business, so I ended up calling the City of Jacksonville after work just to see if they--in the fashion of other cities that actually function well--have a department dealing with that sort of thing and I was SO EXCITED to hear from Angela that there is, indeed, a Department of Taxi Licensing that would be interested in hearing from me on the matter.
I was blown away. (My faith in this city died YEARS ago)
I told Angela I'd give them time to respond to my request (36 hours seems more than fair to me) but just the fact that Jacksonville, Fucking, Florida has a heading for that in their beaurocracy is so wild to me that it's almost worth the $14.00 or so to find out. But since they'll just end up ripping off others, I must rage against this injustice and fight the good fight. Stay tuned for news of my impending hunger strike* and epic battle with THE MAN for the unjust fare differential.
Alright, I'm missing the news. Good evening!
*speaking of which, I have a hilarious hunger strike story I need to post one day...