"6. Been in love? poor kim, and her response 7. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? poor kim and her response Moody: poor kim and her answer. 8. Of scars on body: poor kim and her answer. I have no idea how many i have, and don't want to count"
why do you feel the need to tear Kim down?
"RELATIONSHIPS 1. Who is your best friend? mirise 2. Do you have a girlfriend? no I have: an amazing girlfriend"
"I hate: close minded people who won't listen, or understand, and enmity"
I honestly meant what i said when i was talking about kim, no where did i put anything that made it seem sarcastic.
I Copied this from kim's journal, and forgot to change her answer(which was 'no') to my answer(which would be yes) b/c i answered this servey by jumping around to different questions, that's why some are still kim's(yes, more than just the one about having a girlfriend)
I'm not close minded
You think i'm an idiot, i think you are. Let's not bring it up again.
Yes you are!!! You act like no one else has any good points except you. I have ideas, nadia has ideas, alyssa has ideas, WE ALL DO!!! So you calling us all stupid shows that you are closed minded to them. And yes, I am an idiot. I at least admit it.
7. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? poor kim and her response
Moody: poor kim and her answer.
8. Of scars on body: poor kim and her answer. I have no idea how many i have, and don't want to count"
why do you feel the need to tear Kim down?
1. Who is your best friend? mirise
2. Do you have a girlfriend? no
I have: an amazing girlfriend"
"I hate: close minded people who won't listen, or understand, and enmity"
you ARE closed minded!!!
"I know: most peole are idiots"
I agree. You are part of that percentage.
I Copied this from kim's journal, and forgot to change her answer(which was 'no') to my answer(which would be yes) b/c i answered this servey by jumping around to different questions, that's why some are still kim's(yes, more than just the one about having a girlfriend)
I'm not close minded
You think i'm an idiot, i think you are. Let's not bring it up again.
You act like no one else has any good points except you.
I have ideas, nadia has ideas, alyssa has ideas, WE ALL DO!!!
So you calling us all stupid shows that you are closed minded to them.
And yes, I am an idiot. I at least admit it.
I Don't agree with your points, that has nothing to do with me considering your point of view; once i do that, i can then say that they are no good.
Once again, i'm loving your logic.
And, these comments are becoming more and more entertaining, so let's keep them coming.
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