subtle enmity

Jan 02, 2005 02:29

1. First best friend: Justin
2. First car: almost
3. First real kiss: REAL kiss? i've had a lot.. but i'll call the first real one, mirise's
4. First break-up: who cares
5. First screen name: prostarwind
6. First self-purchased album: no idea.
7. First funeral: great grandpa proctor
8. First pets: bandit, the dog
9. First piercing: left ear lobe
10. First credit card: ew
12. First enemy: haha... like people have those. I'm sure we're all involved in gang wars, and we have deadly rivals
13. First big trip: Key West

1. Last cigarette: New year's eve
2. Last car ride: I Just drove mirise home
3. Last kiss: when i dropped her off
4. Last good cry: i don't remember crying
5. Last library book checked out: pandora's box
6. Last movie seen in theatres: The incredibles
7. Last beverage drank: this is all really stupid
8. Last food consumed:
9. Last crush:
10. Last phone call:
11. Last time showered:
12. Last shoes worn:
13. Last item bought:
14. Last annoyance:
15. Last time wanting to die:
16. Last time scolded:

1. Who is your best friend? mirise
2. Do you have a girlfriend? no

1. Where is your favorite place to shop? online
2. Any tattoos or piercing? my lobes, and the top of one ear. I also have wings across my back.. and down my arms.

1. Do you do drugs? jeez,... omfg... how could - yea i do
2. What kind of shampoo do you use? soap is bad for you
3. What are you most scared of? getting old
4. What are you listening to right now? a christian talk show thing
5. Where do you want to get married? i don't see what's wrong with getting married in a church, but i suppose i could be cool and say "not in a church" But to be honest, i want it to be outside.
6. How many buddies are online? 32/200
7. What would you change about yourself? not change, but i would like to grow, and gain more experience.

1. Color: grey
2. Food:
3. Girls names: cymbeline, evangeline, alice, jesse
4. Boys Names: jesse
5. Subjects in school: school forces everyone to use the same thought pattern, it's really hard to think outside the box in any class - i like art class.
6. Animals: something loving
7. Sports: sex

1. Given anyone a bath? no idea.. maybe some kid
2. Smoked? more than one substance
3. Bungee jumped? i want to
4. Made yourself throw up? yea
5. Skinny-dipped? possibly, but it wasn't a sexual thing
6. Been in love? poor kim, and her response
7. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? poor kim and her response
8. Pictured your crush naked? no
9. Seen your crush naked? i don't have a current crush
10. Cried when someone died? ya
11. Lied? ya
12. Fallen for your best boy friend? ya
13. Been rejected? on different levels
14. Rejected someone? more than once
15. Used someone? for different things
16. Done something you regret? yea, relationships things mostly

1. Clothes? bellbottom jeans, button-up collared shirt over a thin tight sweater, fingerless gloves, and a black scarf
2. Music? jump-5 hahaha
3. Make-up? nope
4. Annoyance? noise, and complaints
5. Smell? house
6. Favorite artist? a lot
7. Desktop picture? breathe
8. Book you're reading? macbeth, pandora's box, a few mangas
9. CD in player? i use computers and an mp3
10. DVD in player? samurai x
11. Color of toenails? ew

1. You touched? poor kim and her answer. I touched mirise last
2. Hugged? mirise
3. You instant messaged? alec
4. You kissed? mirise (graham is nasty... and it's weird that he posts pictures of his penis on the web.)
1. Kill? poor kim and her answer. But i want to kill stephen
2. Slap? stephen
3. Get high with? mirise, and stephen
4. Look like? ionno
5. Talk to offline? my siblings
6. Talk to online? alec
7. Hang out with? mirise and stephen

1. In the morning I am: dirty
2. All I need is: love? What is that. I need...the only thing I don't understand
3. Love is: a bond without reason, a cry for connection?
4. I dream about: happiness

1. Coke or Pepsi: pepsi
2. Flowers or candy: flowers
3. Tall or short: doesn' tmatter
4. Liquor or beer? liquor

1. What do you notice first: clothing
2. Last person you danced with: mirise
3. Worst question to ask: should i call poison controll, or 911, or something?!
4. Who makes you laugh the most? kasey from school
5. Who makes you smile? mirise
6. Who gives you a funny feeling? stephen
7. Who do you have a crush on: suave
8. Who has a crush on you: you

1. Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to instant message you: ew
2. Save conversations: i have a program that does it
3. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: ew
4. Wish you were younger: i wish i could stay young
5. Cry because someone said something to you: i've felt horrible, but i haven't cried in ages

1. Of times I have had my heart broken: mmm.. ionno if i have
2. Of hearts I have broken: dunno
3. Of guys I've kissed: haha
4. Of girls I've kissed: people really keep track?
5. Of continents I have lived on: 24350924058925
6. Of tight friends: fo rizzle ma nizzle
7. Of CDs I own: dunno
8. Of scars on body: poor kim and her answer. I have no idea how many i have, and don't want to count

× •I N F O R M A T I O N • ×
Name: taylor
Single or taken: taken
Sex: yes please :P
Birthday: 12/21/87
Sign: the horse/guy dude. I was never into that
Hair color: brown
Eye color: hazel
Height: i'm not really sure, around 3 inches bellow normal height for my age
Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: all three weeeee! am i cool yet?

• × • F A S H I O N | S T U F F • × •
Where is your favourite place to shop for clothes: online
Favorite designer?: urban pipeline i suppose.
What is your sexiest outfit?: my birthday suit? haha.. ihave no idea
What is your most comfortable outfit?: a giant sweater, and slight bellbottoms
What do you usually wear?: plastic wrap

• × • S P E C I F I C S • × •
What kind of shampoo do you use?: donkey piss
What are you listening to right now: music videos
Who is the last person that called you?: wait.. i answered this
How many buddies are online right now?:
What would you change about yourself?:

• × • A R E | Y O U • × •
Understanding: yea, but i'm slow to be accepting of something i don't agree with, even if iunderstand it.
Open-minded: yea
Arrogant: some may say
Insecure: i can be
Random: ew, except for a convulsion
Hungry: nope
Smart: yar, me thinks good.
Moody: poor kim and her answer.
Hard working: if i want to be
Organized: with some things - most of the time, no
Healthy: yea
Shy: i can be, around confident people that i'm not close with.
Difficult: sometimes
Attractive: ;)
Bored easily: sometimes
Obsessed: with men
Angry: at most people
Sad: no
Happy: most of the time
Hyper: with the right substance
Trusting: no

• × • W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A • × •
Get really wasted with?: mirise, jordan, or sasha
Get high with: JASON.. no really.. uhh..mirise, alec or josh.

• × • Y O U R | T H O U G H T S
I know: most peole are idiots
I want: my own place
I have: an amazing girlfriend
I wish: I would never grow old, weak, tired, and ugly.
I hate: close minded people who won't listen, or understand, and enmity
I fear: the dark o_o
I hear: large black women singing gospel
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