Fic Recs

May 29, 2010 10:59


Knitting Lessons by blcwriter
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Summary: Spock's mother knit him a sweater, which develops a hole. Kirk knits it shut-- their friendship develops from there.
Notes: Pre-slash; very sweet and shows a completely different side of Jim

A Perfect Fit by bigmamag
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Summary: Jim Kirk is no taller than a thumb, but his dreams reach the stars. Based loosely on the story 'Thumbelina'.
Notes: Freaking adorable. Thumb-sized!Jim. It just does not get better. The dialogue is witty and the imagery is perfect.

Any Given Moment by baby_razzle
Warnings: infidelity
Summary: Spock considered carefully before responding. “I suppose I may never understand cheating.” Kirk nodded slightly, “Give it time.”
Notes: Completely different take on Kirk/Spock. Angst like crazy.

Symptomatic by corpus_invictus
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None
Summary: Pathetically sick, freezing Spock and Kirk taking care of him.
Notes: Sick!Spock is so much like a kicked puppy. :D Fluff.

Shut Up and Eat Your Vegetables by barrowjane
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None
Summary: “If the Captain requires someone to monitor his diet and activities until he is more stable, I will volunteer for such a duty,” Spock says, and that's where it starts.
Notes: Funny but also touching in how Spock wants so badly to take care of Jim. And the descriptions of the food is great.

So Wise We Grow by captanddeastar
Rating: R
Warnings: mentions of past abuse - nothing specific
Summary: “Commander Spock, we have located your son,” the Vulcan lady on the screen says, which would be great, except Jim can tell by the look on Spock’s face that he’s never heard of this kid before in his life. “If it is expedient, the child will be sent to join you on the Enterprise within the week.”
Notes: Great, great pacing and the OC kid Vulcan is wonderfully written. Slow-building and the ending is amusing and doesn't leave you hanging which I appreciate. Also: IT COMES IN A DOWNLOADABLE PDF. :D

The Stars Seem Familiar by lallyloo
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: After a transporter incident, de-aged Spock Prime is left in the care of Jim Kirk. Nu Spock becomes illogically jealous of Spock Prime. De-aged fluff fic.
Notes: Lovely fluff. :) And amazing details ("tiny stuffed sehlat" :D).

Present by kyliselle
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Kirk/Spock. Deaged!Spock (around 5 or 6) doing arts and crafts. He makes something sweet for Kirk.

Untitled by Anonymous
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Summary: Space Twitter
Notes: Hilarious! Spock's abuse of Twitter's 140 character limit is epic! :D

What The Documentary Got Wrong by cards_slash
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Summary: Kirk/Spock + denied gratification + frustrated!horny!Kirk During Pon Farr the only objective is the release of the male Vulcan. Humans tend to frown on their lover not making sure they orgasm as well
Notes: OMG one of my favorite Pon Farr fics. Tons of sex, that can't be bad, right? WRONG, so wrong! :D

A Warm Vanilla Milkshake by Anonymous
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Summary: Vulcan ejaculate is coppery, sweet, and - Kirk is ashamed to say it - kind of really delicious. Kirk gets a little obsessed with the taste, even though oh God that is totally gross in so many ways, and starts to crave it at really inopportune times. In this universe, the replicator has been on board the Enterprise since long before Picard, so, naturally, Kirk asks the replicator for a... very... particular beverage.
Notes: Okay, so I have this marked as 'private' on my delicious but I'm forgoing my ~embarrassment because this is hilarious. And McCoy is great too. :D

One Particular Harbour by Elise Madrid
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: End of life matters
Summary: TOS; It's an important day and Spock uses it to remember other important days.
Notes: Alright. So. There were tears when I read this one, NGL. It's powerful and undeniably sad but a beautiful look at Spock and Jim and what their relationship is, was, and always will be.

Coming Homes by awarrington
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Set a few months into their first mission, the Enterprise is ordered to pick up a Vulcan Healer and transport him to the new colony. Once there they are scheduled to remain and assist with the early stages of setting up the colony. Kirk's liaison is his 'old friend' Ambassador Spock, now known as Elder Sepak, who takes the opportunity to help Kirk and Spock become better acquainted.
Notes: Love this. IDK why, but I always love fics where Jim and Spock come out as a couple to Bones and this fic covers that nicely. There are OCs but don't let that scare you. They're well-written and secondary characters.

Now With Added Tentacles! by jade_dragoness
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: tentacles
Summary: Jim ends up with tentacles. Not being sexed by them, but rather as in he has them.
Notes: >_> Obligatory tentacle!fic. It's funny and very believable that the scientist in Spock would like to observe these random appendages up close...right?

Love is Strange by Garry Owen
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None
Summary: AU; Spock accompanies his parents to an Earth resort where Jim Kirk is a dancer. Dirty Dancing redux.
Notes: This works, I promise. It's true to the original but is definitely K/S.

Iowa: State of Emotion by robotsdance
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Teenaged Spock is sent to stay with Winona and Jim Kirk when his father goes in to Pon Farr.
Notes: Teenage Jim and Spock is awesome. So innocent and fluffy.

Symphony for the Stars and Planets by singingintime
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Summary: Symphony AU; Spock as first chair violin, and Kirk as a crazy band guy
Notes: I was in orchestra in HS and this is so spot on lol! I love the ending. <3

The REAL Trouble With Tribbles (or, how the tribbles conquered the Klingon Empire) by snowlight
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: What if there is a Tribble!Kirk and Tribble!Spock amongst the vast tribbles army in the TOS episode "The Trouble with Tribbles"?
Notes: Possibly my favorite K/S crack fic ever. :D


On Public Display by awarrington
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: several kinks, but nothing hardcore/extreme
Summary: 9 weird kinks that Kirk/Bones have carried out in 9 public places.
Notes: The Style of this piece is great, how everything comes together, with the progression of their relationship.

Untitled by Anonymous
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Summary: for the prompt: Kirk/Bones, 5 times it was fucking, 1 time it was making love
Notes: This was one of my first prompts ever on the kink meme and I would totally not own up to it because of its complete lack of creativity but it got such an awesome, awesome fill that I will take on the shame. It's a beautiful build-up of Jim and Bones' relationship and the +1 is sweet and tender and so them.

Everything You Had And What Was Left After That by re_white
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Allusions to past abuse - nothing graphic
Summary: Due to psychological trauma, Jim is unable to orgasm
Notes: ANGST. BUT LOVELY HEARTBREAKINGLY BEAUTIFUL ANGST. The style of this piece is really nice and Jim's fear is so palpable.

What Chain Reaction by walksbyherself
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A mission goes bad and Jim loses his mind. Bones has to reassemble the pieces.
Notes: Rough read but totally worth it. Kind of a reminder that yes, it's space, not everything out there is tribbles.

Life Doesn't Always Imitate Art, or Stop Watching Movies and Live"> by blcwriter
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: dub-con
Summary: Academy time, Jim is his usual horny self, beds all women but he has this dark secret: he really has a thing, a huge thing for his best friend Bones. There is only one problem: he never had much interest in bedding men, so he never bedded any. He knows only what he's read and seen in porn gay movies.
Notes: I love this look at the two of them...and Bones' feelings at the end are described so well.

Renovation by canis_takahari
Rating: NC-17
Warning: None
Summary: Jim has a whammy put on him by an alien death ray and he suddenly craves domesticity. He's crazy with longing to shop at space!Ikea and get potted bamboo and he starts looking into adopting AND HE HATES HIMSELF AND CANNOT CONTROL THE SHIT. Luckily, McCoy is drunk all the time and plays house.
Notes: SPACE IKEA. Really, do I need to say more?

Worry by hihielmo
Additional Pairings: GKirk/Pike (very, very briefly!)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: attempted child abuse is implied - nothing graphic
Summary: George Kirk worries about his son. A lot.
Notes: From George Kirk's POV. The only piece I've seen like this, where George looks after his boys, especially Jim, after he's died. The ending is perfect. <3

All I Want For Christmas by graceandfire
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Summary: McCoy finds a file of naked sexy pictures of Jim and is all upset about it and jealous of whoever Jim's sending them to and woe, but he can't exactly go saying anything because 1. not his and 2. he was maybe kind of snooping. Then Jim gives him a real-paper naughty calendar for Christmas.
Notes: I love slightly vulnerable!Jim and the descriptions of the pictures is excellent. (I want that calendar. STAT.)

Cosmic Poetry by sheeana
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: character death
Summary: Kirk can't keep it in his pants. History repeats itself and Bones is left with a responsibility he never expected to have.
Notes: Heartbreakingly uplifting. ;__;

To A Man's Heart by breakthecitysky
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Summary: Kirk attempts to cook. Hilarity ensues. Plus sex. Good times.
Notes: Funny, fluffy almost-domestic fic!

Physician, Heal Thyself by 1297
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: mentions of non-con/rape and the aftermath; nothing graphic
Summary: Kirk being too gentle and/or avoiding sex after McCoy is raped.
Notes: Beautifully written, with hurt!Bones and both he and Jim trying their best to deal with everything.

A hundred days (and counting) by hope_calaris and rei17
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Summary: Pre-slash; Jim is like quicksilver. He’s constantly moving, always on the go, always two steps ahead of everybody and always out of reach. He’s not something to have. He’s not somebody you could ever own or call yours. Jim is just made to let go, and letting go is the one thing McCoy sucks at the most. But maybe, McCoy realizes, Jim doesn’t want to let him go either.
Notes: One of my favorite K/M pre-slashers ever.

Postal Service by midnight_city
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Summary: AU; Bones is a vet and he is most certainly not ogling the mailman.
Notes: Awesome, funny AU and Spock's few lines are just...epic. :D


Text Me by paytofay
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: underage (totally consensual!) sex
Summary: High school AU; sexting. And then afterward, they actually ~do it~.
Notes: Hot. HS Nerdy!Chekov is a total kink for me. Throw in some HS Popular!Sulu and it's perfect. And hot.

Space Burial by kinkme
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Sulu accidentally kills Chekov's tribble. The only way he'll shut up about it is if they give it a proper burial.
Notes: Crack. Delightful, wonderful, awesome crack.

Rush Week by echoinautumn
Rating: R
Warning: None
Summary: College AU; College freshman Pavel Chekov longs to join the coolest of the fraternities, though reputation is only part of the reason why.
Notes: Fun and sweet and Jim calls Hikaru, "Roo.":D And it made me nostalgic for college.

Little Shadow by hollycomb
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None
Summary: Sulu is Chekov's roommate at the Academy. Sulu is not happy about being saddled with a kid for a roommate, but eventually they become friends. Chekov falls in love with Sulu, and everything falls apart. (Four parts + epilogue)
Notes: Alright. So. This story is my Chekov/Sulu fannon. It is sweet and sad and angsty and perfect. I love how they don't just ~magically~ end up together and everything's fabulous. They're young and they're nervous -- but they belong together.

[Intercepted Transmission]
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None
Summary: Sulu warns Chekov to stay away from the subspace network (also an homage to only_sewenteen and fencinginspace)
Notes: The strategic typos and assumed one-handed typing make this piece just that much more awesome.

Based on a True Story by hollycomb
Warnings: None
Summary: Someone on Earth makes a movie about the heroic maiden voyage of the Enterprise and some of the details are a bit off.
Notes: Funny imagining of how a movie of the '09 movie plot would be. Chekov and Sulu are too cute when they're indignant. :)

Other Pairings / Gen / Misc.

Endless Circle by mullenkamp
Pairing: Kirk/Spock, Kirk/Spock!Prime
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: End of life issues, but Spock!Prime has lived a long full life, and he's at peace. Take that as you will.
Summary: Rebootverse. Spock Prime contacts his "old friend" after the Enterprise's first five year mission is complete, to inform him of two things. One, he doesn't have long to live. Two, he's going to live long enough to go through pon farr one last time. Since the universe has provided him with such an opportunity...
Notes: Sad and sweet. There was some welling-up of the eyes on this one. :)

Untitled by Anonymous
Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Summary: a pon farr ficlet
Notes: Bring on the lulz! :D

Kitchen Consequential by withthepilot [18 parts]
Pairings: Multiple - Eventual Kirk/McCoy, Chekov/Sulu, Spock/Uhura, Scotty/Gaila, Pike, Chapel, Rand, Riley, Jocelyn, Joanna, Winona, etc.
Rating: ranges from PG-13 to NC-17
Warnings: minor character deaths - nothing graphic
Summary: AU set in New York City, 2009, with flashbacks to five years prior; All paths lead to the kitchen for the staff members of Enterprise, the newest critical darling on the New York restaurant scene. It's here that they come together as a team and find out just where they belong.
Notes: Lots of cool story lines are interwoven and they're all well-fleshed out.

It Cracked The Insanity Scale by cards_slash
Pairing: Kirk/Spock/McCoy
Warnings: mpreg
Summary: A misread (or misinterpreted) kink meme prompt that asked for Spock to be pregnant with Kirk
Notes: Crack. Total crack. Made me laugh too many times to count. Pregnant!Spock in general, I tend to find amusing and add Jim as who he's pregnant with and...well, read it.

Eye of the Tiger by witblogi
Pairings: None
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Summary: Guy's night and guess what game they're playing???
Notes: Rock Band + Trek boys = epic lulz.

Memories Make the Man by trekkinthestars
Pairing: Spock/McCoy
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: mpreg
Summary: McCoy has lost the last two years of his memories, and whilst stumbling back into the life he left behind, he can’t help but feel as though he’s missing something to do with Spock.
Notes: Great angsty-ness and Uhura and Kirk are great friends to have.

fic recs

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