Title: A hundred days (and counting)
hope_calaris &
rei17 Beta(s):
ellie_pierson &
sparksong. All mistakes left are our own, because we’re horrible deadliners and didn’t leave much time for proof-reading.
bionic Fanmixers:
chasingthewinds and
jazzy_peaches Series: ST XI
Character/Pairing(s): Kirk & McCoy, appearances by Pike and several OCs
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 29.811
Warnings: pre-slash, angst, h/c, schmoop, foul language
Disclaimer: The moment unicorns are real, Bones and Kirk are gonna make out on the big screen.
Author's Note(s): can be found
hereSummary: Jim is like quicksilver. He’s constantly moving, always on the go, always two steps ahead of everybody and always out of reach. He’s not something to have. He’s not somebody you could ever own or call yours. Jim is just made to let go, and letting go is the one thing McCoy sucks at the most. But maybe, McCoy realizes, Jim doesn’t want to let him go either.
Link to Art: can be found
hereLink to Mix: can be found
here, and the other one
here part i |
part ii |
part iii |
part iv |
part v |
part vi &
authors' notes